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New Hawaii rules

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These new laws should surely help rid hackers and backyarders who continually undermine our livelihood.

And the IWFA could play a roll here by not endorsing anyone who tints illegally and put pressure on manufacturers and more importantly distributors to tow the line by not selling to these fly-by-nighters.

Consider quoting to a customer that our representative body doesn't condone nor endorse in any way shape or form illegal fitting by those not in the union of glass tinting installers. Could help.

If we know for sure that a company called ABC is definately fitting illegal, then we put them in to either the cops or IWFA.


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Guest ncinirator

I did not read all the comments on this thread, I just get pissed when ever I hear about fining the tint shop.

If the owner knows it aint supposed to be that dark then it is not the shops fault.

For shop owners I suggest comming up with a disclaimer - customer has been advised of state law, wants work done, shop not liable. Words that effect. Singed at the bottum, copy to shop copy to owner.

Examples - its the gun manufactorers fault some kid got blown away, not the parents or bad guys.

I still have not seen the car manufacturers get the blame for building cars that go to fast!!!!!! :poop

You dont want know what Washington, D.C. has in store for its motor vehicles that violate tint law, second offense $500, third $1000. They dont say what the 4th time will get ya, probably another grand.

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Guest ncinirator

Hey, I was wrong about the tint law in my jurisdiction( it changed officialy and unofficialy)

Here is the jist, then website.

Jist- you get caught with tint to dark. 1)$50.00 fine. 2) you got 5 days to report to a inspection station, you fail to report with in 5 days then its $1000.00 fine. 3) If you get caught with tint too dark again its another fine and you have to report to a inspection station with in 5 days, if you dont make it in five days you will be fined $5000.00 :poop

Your vehicle cannot even be parked on public space with tint that is too dark!

read it here DC tint law

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I don't agree ncinirator,

The shops can do plenty to stop it and starts and ends with us as fitters therefore we should take responsibility IMO.

It's not the customer forcing us to tint illegal and twisting the squeegee up behind our backs... we always have the right to refuse and I certainly do all the time but I don't lose a sale because of it. :bdog

They go away with the legal 35% and as happy as a pig in :poop It's all about how you project and sell yourself and your business.


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What'sa great southern land?


As for ncinirator's remarks, I disagree. If we (the collective body of professional window tinters) refused to apply illegal film, the only way a customer could get an illegal tint job is to go to a hack (not a professional in my book) or DIY. Either way, it wouldn't be hard to find out who tinted it. Then bring on the fines. Installing illegal goods is just as bad as owning, if not worse.

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Guest nautiboi73

yea NC I disagree also.

In your example it iis like saying that the maunufactures should be fined for making it. Just as them making a fast car. Not the perosn that knowing breaks tha law is who should be fined. IE the shop for knowing the law, as it is part of their duty, and the shops responsiblty to enform all customers who seek illegal jobs.

it starts and ends with the shops. Let a hack shop get a $1000 fine for a $99 tint job, they will quit and we the professinals won't have to fight to maks sure we don't end up like our counterparts in the UK.


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