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The "last window curse"

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Guest tintsem

I have experienced that on commercial jobs for quite sometime now. Finallly figured out what was causing me to loose the last window on every job. My employee was putting the roll back in the trailer before I was done, causing the bad luck. He doesn't do it anymore and I don't look the last window anymore. I new he had something to do with it.

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Guest thetintshop

OMG!! that is so true. if you put the film up before you're done, you will fark up the last window. hell, on flat glass jobs I can't even put the lid back on the box, much less take it to the truck.

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Guest powertints

Soooooooooo true. You don't keep the gods happy, you're screwed. It always seems it is the last one too. We don't put away the film until we are done applying the film & cleaning it. Always sucks when you press too hard and f-up the film cleaning it. Only really have to do that once though, then you learn your lesson.


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