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The Invisible Speeder

'Late one night, in rural north Florida, a local sheriff (or highway patrol officer) is sitting in his patrol car on the side of the highway waiting for speeders to give tickets to. It is late, and his shift had been uneventful. Suddenly, his radar goes off, and flashes '160'. He hasn't seen anything at all, there is no traffic on the road whatsoever, so he dismisses it as a glitch in his radar gun. The next day, he has his patrol car checked out before his shift, and the radar works fine.

That evening, on patrol in the same spot, the same thing happens again. The radar goes crazy, and flashes '163'. The officer calls another car in the area to see if they have seen anything unusual, but they haven't, and the officer begins questioning his sanity. The next evening, the officer responds to a serious traffic accident ? a car which has hit a phone pole (or tree). When he arrives on the scene, he finds a black matte Corvette (or Ferrari) with limousine tinted windows. The car had been driven by Dr*g traffickers with their lights off, using night vision goggles. When they passed the officer the previous nights, they set off his radar, but he never saw them pass because their lights were off. (Invisible Speeder)


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