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PPF installation skills vs. tint installation skills

Guest clint4883

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I have been tinting windows for about 6 years. I opened a shop this year and have been thinking of a service that I can add maybe in a few months to go along with the window tinting. Is it hard to make the transition between PPF and window tint installation? I have been watching some videos but that can fool you. I get people all the time coming telling me that tinting looks easy and they can do it. LOL. I love those cause I can always get more money out of them when they bring it back with some wal-mart s@#t I have to R&R. A experinced installer can make anything look easy. Any suggestions?

PPF is the same way; if you're good at it, you make it look easy. After tinting for 20 years I jumped into the ppf biz about 2 yrs ago. I found it not that difficult to learn; mainly I believe because of my tinting background. Learning to tint was a real pain in the neck. ( sometimes literally) Doing PPF is actually a lot more fun to install than tint. (imho)

So if you have the patience to tint; you should be able to install ppf. Whereas a piece of tint you trash will cost you maybe $20.00, a piece of ppf can cost a lot more.

Also a lot of tinters out there can whip out a full tint on a car in an hour or so; to install a ppf package on a car can take anywhere from 2 to 4 hours depending on difficulty of vehicle, experience and other factors. And a full tint can go for around $200.oo +- a full PPF package can go for $1,000.00 to $2,000.00 depending on customer/dealership/location/etc.

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