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A New Earth

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Now they are saying that Jesus came just to show us the "Christ consciousness" and that he's not the messiah.

Sorry, I can't listen to this stuff anymore. Nothing personal, I just have different beliefs.

Glad it works for you though. :twocents

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Now they are saying that Jesus came just to show us the "Christ consciousness" and that he's not the messiah.

Sorry, I can't listen to this stuff anymore. Nothing personal, I just have different beliefs.

Glad it works for you though. :beer

No problem.. it's not trying to convert anyone..hard to get a feel without reading the book, I'm scraping the thread :thumb

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Ah man, why scrap the thread? I thought you wanted my opinion. I thought I was pretty civil about it. :beer

I was going to post this from Romans Chapter 1...

1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, [even] his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:

1:21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified [him] not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.

1:22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,

1:23 And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things.

1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves:

1:25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshiped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.

Please move it back, I think it's cool if we can talk about this kind of thing. :thumb

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Nah..I'm not going to pit it against the bible because it's nothing like that. If your Christian ,IMO..it's the Bible's way or no way..all answers are in the bible,

This isn't a belief system, but rather saying there is more way's to be with God than just Christianity ..and if you are Christian..that's OK too..it 's about connecting ..becomming aware..it's not religious or cultish ..it's spiritual in nature :beer

I don't se it as an attack on Christianity myself ..or the book :beer

I just don't care to start of by defending something that has become a positive influence in my life and in others around me in the way that I interact. :thumb

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Nah..I'm not going to pit it against the bible because it's nothing like that.

I understand, but everything he is saying is exactly what Satan said, so I was just relating it. :beer

If your Christian ,IMO..it's the Bible's way or no way..all answers are in the bible,

Well, yes and no. I understand what you mean, but I think it can only be a positive thing to debate civilly, just as two stones sharpen each other. :lol

This isn't a belief system, but rather saying there is more way's to be with God than just Christianity

Ahh, but that is a belief system, it's pantheism I.e. all things are God. It's OK to disagree, I don't see why we can't talk about it. :lol

..and if you are Christian..that's OK too..it 's about connecting ..becomming aware..it's not religious or cultish ..it's spiritual in nature :beer

Yes it is spiritual, but not all spirits are of God.

I don't se it as an attack on Christianity myself ..or the book :beer

I don't think you are attacking Christianity, I was just trying to relate the beliefs expressed to Christianity, nothing wrong with a healthy debate my friend. :beer

I just don't care to start of by defending something that has become a positive influence in my life and in others around me in the way that I interact. :thumb

I didn't meant to sound like I was attacking anyones beliefs, it's healthy to talk about what we believe and why.

Lets move this back dude, I'm sure many are interested, but now they probably think I moved this because I'm a closed minded Christian. :lol


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Lets move this back dude, I'm sure many are interested, but now they probably think I moved this because I'm a closed minded Christian. :thumb


Your predictable :beer :beer ..I knew you would type this line ..funny thing is, your probably right :beer OK, Ill move it back, I'll just let it be known that even IF others see it as this against religion, I don't

I just keep coming back to what I said from the beginning, I think it's a positive book and positivity comes from it religious background or non :lol

Honestly though I can't see how many constuctive comments can come about without reading the book at least :beer

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Guest clint4883
Nah..I'm not going to pit it against the bible because it's nothing like that. If your Christian ,IMO..it's the Bible's way or no way..all answers are in the bible,

This isn't a belief system, but rather saying there is more way's to be with God than just Christianity ..and if you are Christian..that's OK too..it 's about connecting ..becomming aware..it's not religious or cultish ..it's spiritual in nature :beer

I don't se it as an attack on Christianity myself ..or the book :thumb

I just don't care to start of by defending something that has become a positive influence in my life and in others around me in the way that I interact. :beer

I am a christian and I believe that the bible does have all the answers, but I believe that some of the stories in the bible should be taken as a lesson to learn. not so literaly. sorry if yall see that this off subject, but if the book you are talking about helps you became a better person then that is helping you became a better christian imo.

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