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Tinting a Taxi

Guest permanentjaun

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Guest permanentjaun


I drive a 1966 Checker marathon. They used these cars as taxi's back in the day. I have restored mine to look like an authentic New York Taxi. It is painted yellow and is complete with checkers, decals, and even prices. My next investment on the car is going to be to tint the windows. I only want the rear window, back roll down windows, and back quarter windows tinted. I'd like them to be tinted as black as possible. I live in New Jersey so any tint is allowed on those windows. The rear window is the only curved one but the others are completely flat. Could you all please give me an estimate on how much I will pay to have it done in a shop? Since I only want a basic black tint will that make things cheaper? What brands of tint should I look into getting? Is 3M the best? I can send pics of the car through email if anyone is interested. Let me know please. Thanks. Matt

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On older model cars like yours that have been restored, I will not give an est. until I can see the car in person. I'm in IL, and am giving you an idea what most tinters will tell you.

I take it you have already invested lots of time and $$ into the car, so I might be as bold as to tell you not to go just by price (cheapest) on tinting the windows. Ask instead how long they have been tinting, warranty, and if they will be willng to try to do the rear in one piece (some car this is not possible all the time). Also see if you can look at any previous jobs they have done.

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Guest thetintshop

has a restored checker with no telling how many dollars and time invested, and the first thing out of his mouth is will basic black be the "cheapest".


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Guest Film Maverick

If it were my car I would take out the back window to be done well. The sides are relatively easy to install but the problem will be with the age of the car and how much dust is in the sides.

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Guest permanentjaun

Well to defend myself a little on what thetintshop said about my "cheapest" comment being typical I have a few things to say. I have more time than money invested in this car; almost 3 years of work. Although I do usually buy things once for it and never have to worry about it. I will be paying about 600-700 total for a completely new exhaust. Next year I'll drop another 2 grand dropping a new engine and tranny in. I am, however, a smart shopper. I understand that this isn't a new BMW or a hot new coupe that has odd shaped side windows or a wicked curved rear windshield. The side windows are literally rectangles and are completely flat. I just want a basic black limo tint and not some flashy metallic reflective film that a car in Fast and the Furious might want. If you ask me, I'd say I was asking for a basic tint job. Therefore I'd assume it were not expensive. If I can get the same tint job for 200 instead of 400 I will obviously go for the 200 dollar one. However, now that I did get a tint job and you guys say old cars are pain in the asses, I am willing to pay someone to take the time to do it how I want to do it.

I may have 3 years in this car but I have another 10 to go. If I could have gotten something done for cheaper with the same quality but instead paid more then I am wasting time. For example, right now I could sure use 200 dollars to put in a new alternator, buy stainless steel trim rings, and put some money towards the new exhaust. If I paid a higher than average cost on everything I put into this car then I'll end up with a car that will have cost me 20,000 instead of 10,000. I'm just trying to be an informed buyer. If you guys say black tint is a basic, cheaper tint, and I go into a shop and the guy tells me the black is an extra charge because its a special tint then a black flag has to go up. I hope you can see what I was trying to accomplish when I posted this. Matt

P.S. - WHY ARE OLD CARS A PAIN IN THE ASS TO TINT? If dirt and contamination is not a factor then what makes them difficult?

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WHY ARE OLD CARS A PAIN IN THE ASS TO TINT? If dirt and contamination is not a factor then what makes them difficult?

Sloppy engineering....But it sounds like you didn't get the greatest tint job, take it back, be nice, and he should solve the problem..:lol6

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