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Is it common to reverse roll b/g?

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When I first learned to do automotive, I was taught to reverse roll from side to side. Put it on the peel board, prep it for reverse roll, then apply. Now, I don't. I simply shape the film, wipe the edges, peel the liner with the film on the car, get it wet, sorta throw it up in the air and rest it across my arms, get in the car (no matter what car it is), lay the bottom part of the film and push it to the bottom of the glass and squegee it on. I stopped doing reverse roll because I got dry spots and debris in the film regularly. Am I crazy? I always hear about reverse rolling for back glass's on here and was curious.

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if you search you will find threads about this....what you are doing we call Frankenstien or Franky style. I personally reverse roll all car back windows and would not dream of doing a franky on most.

Different strokes?

Do whatever works best for you.

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Different strokes?

this phrase always makes me feel uncomfortable. "different strokes for different folks." I get this really bad thought that this would be a bunch of "folks" all sittin around strokin it differently.

anyways, I digress. I always reverse roll too. makes things cleaner :thumb

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Guest tiger_football

When I first started reverse rolling I would get stuff in the film, mostly on the tail edge of the roll. With practice it got much better and it's the only way I go now. As far as dry spots, I would get those also by leaving a small section dry (not peeled and wet) and just wet the glass real good. Now I peel half and wet, then peel the other half and wet (wetting the whole film) and no longer have that problem.

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Guest Kokomo Tint & Dent
When I first learned to do automotive, I was taught to reverse roll from side to side. Put it on the peel board, prep it for reverse roll, then apply. Now, I don't. I simply shape the film, wipe the edges, peel the liner with the film on the car, get it wet, sorta throw it up in the air and rest it across my arms, get in the car (no matter what car it is), lay the bottom part of the film and push it to the bottom of the glass and squegee it on. I stopped doing reverse roll because I got dry spots and debris in the film regularly. Am I crazy? I always hear about reverse rolling for back glass's on here and was curious.

Have U read my thread? I had the same problems, but not nemore.


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I use both methods! If its a toyota Prius I'm just gonna peel the whole thing and stick it in! If it's a 2 dr Colbolt I'll roll it in! Different applications for different cars!! Get good at both applications, it all becomes 2cd nature after awhile! :thumb

+1 :beer

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When I first learned to do automotive, I was taught to reverse roll from side to side. Put it on the peel board, prep it for reverse roll, then apply. Now, I don't. I simply shape the film, wipe the edges, peel the liner with the film on the car, get it wet, sorta throw it up in the air and rest it across my arms, get in the car (no matter what car it is), lay the bottom part of the film and push it to the bottom of the glass and squegee it on. I stopped doing reverse roll because I got dry spots and debris in the film regularly. Am I crazy? I always hear about reverse rolling for back glass's on here and was curious.

Have U read my thread? I had the same problems, but not nemore.


Yeah I read it, thats why I was asking about reverse rolling. I suppose I don't "get" the reverse roll for back glass. Everyone has a preference though. Maybe I never got clean installs from reverse rolling because I was a newbie when I started doing it until someone showed me the franky way...seems easier and faster to me, but to each his own.

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