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So tomorrow I am doing the unthinkable.

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You ever get that customer that you can just tell is going to be a problem before you ever even schedule her in? I had this respectable lady call and would only speak to me because she had heard good things about me. So anyways I give her the run down of prices, tell her she can come look at my truck and see how it looks because on the phone it was sounding like that is what she was wanting on her scion. Well, she doesn't show up so like an hour later I head to the store to get some supplies. I'm 1/2 way there and she shows up like Sean was supposed to be here so I can look at his truck in a very respectable lady fashion, mindyou it is 1.5 hours after she said she would meet me there. Anyways we talk tint, she leaves. She calls sometime later, don't remember and makes an appt. with my wife. My wife says that we don't take cars any later than 1pm so she makes a 1pm appt. Day of she calls and says she can't be in at 1pm and she can make it by 2pm. Being the nice guy I am I say OK, but it's really cutting dwn on the time we have to work on the car. She shows up at 2:30pm, I am up to my ears already in various jobs I am trying to finish up and says she's going to wait. I'm not gonna lie, we slapped that %&$# out as I had like 5 other cars we were doing things to. There was a couple things I didn't agree with, but it was almost 5 and the car was a dirt little smoke out box anyways so I thought she wouldn't car as nothing else in the car was clean. Fast forward a week, she brings it by, I forgot to add this was a Scion xB, so most of it was privacy. Anyways, there was some things I defintely wanted to do better and have the time to correct it, some things that were kind of meh, a could little spcs on the privact glass on the doors, but it was privacy so unless you eye f**k the glass from the inside it's not noticeable. I tell her to go schedule with my wife fo 8am the next morning and I will get it looking cherry. 8am, not there, start another car instead, 8:30am shows up, says she is going to wait, so I stop what I am doing on theother car, switch to hers. We strip 1 front door, 2 back doors and the visor, the 1 back door and the visor were almost nothing, but the car was here to I just said screw it, hell the front door was just a little crud in the bottom back corner, could only be seen if you were looking for it. I look over the restof the car, I see nothing that I thought needed redoing. Some time while we were working on the car she disappears. I close at 5. 5:15 I get a call saying that she is on her way. I tell her I have some work I can do so just get here when you can. 6:30 she shows up, give her the keys, send her on the way. Everyone wants to be at work until 6:30 on a friday night after a week of ass kickings. Get a call monday, asking if we redid the back window. I told my wife to tell her no, there wasn't anything that needs to be redone. An hour later she shows up. She tells me to come look at the back window, she literally opens the hatch, glimbs her gorilla ass in to the hatch and closes it half way and points to something, I don't know what, I couldn't see it. I climb in there and say that I don't see anything, she says there are spots all over. Remember, this is a privacy glass car, I notice like 3 individual pieces of dust over the wiper. I tell her there is nothing there, and she starts throwing fits. I'm getting unusually upset by now and I make it a point to drive this crazy respctable lady insane. She gets back in to show me and I stand on the outside and tell her I don't see anything. the rest is just a lot of back and forth and her saying I am trying to take advantage of her because she's a woman and because she's black and whatever else. Somewhere in the middle of it I tell her to bring her f***ing car back and I will take the %&$# off, give her her money back and let her be someone else's problem. She insists that she isn't the problem. I show her like 6 other cars in the parking lot, mine and others with way more noticeable issues than her car. She says that she doesn't care there is dirt all over her car (the 3 specs on the BG under the privacy). Anyways I'm buying her fat ass donuts in the morning, stripping her tint and have plans to f**k with her mentally in passive aggressive ways.

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That was a good rant. I've been suckered in like that before, sometimes their claws just don't show until it's too late. I'd hand her an IWFA print out on what to expect/ what's acceptable. If she disappears this time and isn't there at closing, I'd politely tell her she can pick her car up at 8am tomorrow. Have fun screwing with her head :dunno

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I have removed film for a customer like this twice before in the 8 years of full time tinting. Both times I removed the film, pulled the car out, and refunded their money.

Both times the customers stood there amazed, jaws to the floor, and then proceed to say I'm sorry...... please tint my car.


And it feels great!!

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Also to add, she had mentioned going by another tint shop and they told her it was dirt in the doors, the first time around. I have 1/2 a feeling they were willing to tint her car 5% insteal of the 20/35 whch was the darkest I was willing to go. My guess is they told her to bitch enough and ask for her money back and she could go get the super illegal stuff on. She probably didn't want to be seen hot boxing it in the parking lot at work or something. Not like you could see her..........unless she smiled.

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Dang. paragraphs bro. I got lost a few times in that.

I has a similar issue not to long ago, but my issue was mainly with the less than 1/8 gap on the back doors (micro edge). I didnt do the front doors b/c she wanted them 20% and was willing to take it somewhere else after we do the back.

She definitely had a plan using us. After the back and forth about the micro edge, and me agreeing to redo it and put it all the way to the top with no gap (and no warranty) she points out the frit around the bg and how it didnt stick. Even said she called around and brought it to a few people who said it wasnt right.

I told her I would give her triple her money back, plus pay for the r/r if anyone could make it look better...she says she can live with frit, and points out a couple of dust spots.

In my frustration, I reached in my pocket, gave her what I thought she paid, but I gave her $20 more than what she actually paid on accident. Oh man was that a kick in the swingset.

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