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RV I tinted this week

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Guest oasisglatint
Dude, please either raise your prices or stop telling us its killing me! Thats $20 a window, a sedan would run $80 on that scale.


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Yeah I try not to talk much about what we all get for auto pricing

But I have always felt that tint jobs you don't get in the shop everyday were a shot in the dark to price anyway. Things like Boats, RV's, and heavy equipment come with a totally different standard when it comes to pricing. More or less every tint job of this type is usually a one of a kind price in the first place.

I have known alot of guys to price these type of jobs way high because they don't want to do them. I personailly like a good challenge and price these type of jobs at what sounds to me like an affordable price. :thumb

I honestly think I made pretty good money on it. I removed some film off of 4 of the front windows. I ended up with just under 6 hours in it from start to finish. You guys know what film costs do the math. Then compare it to what you make doing a car or even doing flat glass. :dunno

But I guess I just won't post any form of a dollar figure for my jobs. I hate seeing you guys get all bent out of shape. Although I do thank you guys for thinking I should be getting more for my work instead of less. :beer

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Some might think short changing yourself one job here or there really won't matter. You'll earn referrals, good will, maybe a warm fuzzy feeling inside and an occasional $20 tip.

I don't know how many vehicles a month are done but imagine a solid one man operation can do say four cars a day five days a week (I believe this to be slightly conservative since most work six days a week).

Say you are under priced, or not upselling to a higher end film and you are losing out on say $20-50 a car (again, a conservative number).

Lets do the math...

20 cars a week, 80 cars a month, 960 cars a year.

960 x 20 = $19,200

Or say you upsold 25% of these clients

720 x 20 = $14,400

240 x 50 = $12,000

Total = $26,400 (obviously less the additional cost of materials)

Its easy to let $20 slide here and there and think nothing of it, do the math on an annual scale and you'll wish you were wearing some depends when you see the number.

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Guest scottydosnntkno

you booked a whole day (more or less, couldn't really schedule any other jobs until you knew when you'd be done with the RV) for 5 bills? I billed out 4.5 in just under two hours this morning.

i'd be at least double on that RV

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