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Forum Upgrade

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Ric, you know the dynamics of the site better than any of us but I think a hybrid setup for subscribers and public web surfers should be looked at. I know this program change is not something you wanted to do. You are being forced by technology to make the change. I'm sure the server peeps know they have you where they can stick it to you. Not very many people like change but man it's coming at us faster and faster, either you adapt or stagnate. You should know I'm behind you whatever changes here. I really don't think people realize the long hours you put in to make this forum run smooth. Things like TintDude don't just happen!

Please let me know if there is anything I can do

Stan............. I sure hope spell check is working!!!!

A forum that is made up from the tinting community should be supported in part by ad space paid for by the IWFA in my opinion

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Ric, you know the dynamics of the site better than any of us but I think a hybrid setup for subscribers and public web surfers should be looked at. I know this program change is not something you wanted to do. You are being forced by technology to make the change. I'm sure the server peeps know they have you where they can stick it to you. Not very many people like change but man it's coming at us faster and faster, either you adapt or stagnate. You should know I'm behind you whatever changes here. I really don't think people realize the long hours you put in to make this forum run smooth. Things like TintDude don't just happen!

Please let me know if there is anything I can doThank you Stan, that means a lot to me.Well right now, I'm running the post rebuild, it's going to take about 10 hours so I wont be able to change anything further until tomorrow.

Stan............. I sure hope spell check is working!!!!

A forum that is made up from the tinting community should be supported in part by ad space paid for by the IWFA in my opinion

Thank you Stan, that means a lot to me.

Well right now, I'm running the post rebuild, it's going to take about 10 hours so I wont be able to change anything further until tomorrow.

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What about the search portion? I cant tell you how many times I hit a forum and it wont let you search past the posts you have open.

Id happily pay for a subscripption! I just need a printable bill to wright it off on my taxes. money.gif Well that a friendly reminder to pay up on time. lol2.gif

Aside from all the sh!+ talking and silly bashing this forum is invaluable to a lot of people!

.... i agree i have sourced info on new cars here all the time especially for euro and american cars.. saved my ass a few times

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OMG.....Hey all my medals and ribbons are gone....as well as my Top 10 poster badge....Phuck I am so lost on here now..I am just a window tinter, not Bill Gates..I need a Drink or 10..........OMG

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