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hood install with the go pro hero 2

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I didnt even read this last post because im sure it says exactly the same blabber youve made it your job to say. it doesnt work for YOU, its too expensive for YOU. if you dont like it dont use it but its a fine product that alot of other people have come to really enjoy using. no one is saying that this film was made for you and there is other brands available. use what you like and try to contribute positive but all this negative is starting to impact other peoples business.

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Mike the only thing that should affect your business is your installation skills. If your having problems maybe you need to go practice up a little.

And you were the one that started this whole thing. I simply made a comment that I could tell what kind of film it was by how he installed it. If you wouldnt have made the jackass comment you did this thread would have ended days ago. So if you dont like it then shut up and move on to another thread. This is a free country and I feel I should be able to post information I have gathered from my experiences... positive and negative. I have yet to psot anything that is factually incoorect and I have plenty of positive things to say about products that work well and good installs... you on the other hand have made smartass comments about other peoples work (most recently cooldude), but you think its ok when you come back and say you were kidding or you back off when called out on it. So why dont you get back to work and worry about your own business. :thumb

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Im pretty sure I said I wasnt judging his work, it was a comment on what I thought was a silly decision of a customer. He explained the reasoning I aggreed and it was done with. Just like you asked who back rolls hoods, everyone explained that's how they do it and it's over. That's what goes on in this forum...discussion. Your opinions on ultimate (that's your made very clear you dont and won't carry) are not facts. It's only your personal opinion based on your experience. You say I should work on my skills but I seem to be able to successfully use whatever brand put in front of me on the most expensive cars in sandiego regardless for only doing this with a fraction of your experience.

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You seem to have a lot of time in the middle of the day to post. Fortunately I dont... I have 2-3 cars a day lined up for the next two weeks... so I must be doing something right. Anyway I have my opinion and you have yours. I will post my thoughts on whatever film I try as this is a forum for passing information along... like you said. I dont need to "better myself" because a company not only wont improve their product but they also have the arrogance to tell everyone that is having problems that it is the installers fault. Sorry but thats bullshit... and a level of arrogance I wont deal with. it doesnt help their side that I saw with my own eyes their very own installers having issues with the film. If they were mobile those very problems would be greatly exagerrated. I also had issues withh the self healing top coat after using the exact method I was told to test it with. Didnt heal as advertised although the rep said he "puts his weight into it" when testing the film. I was then told that "hopefully people arent stupid enough to really use a brush on it" which to me is bogus as if you demonstrate a product it better provide consistent results. If it doesnt does it also mean you cant put laquer thinner on it, gasoline... I mean where does it end. Anyway if you go out into many of the car forums I still post in I still say its a good film. Not the best out there but it is a good product. It could easily be the best product if they would simply fix an issue that THEY KNOW is a problem. As I understnd it they are attempting that right now... but until I get a better product in my hands I will not install it. Suntek has bene outstanding not only film wise (the self healing top coat is EXCELLENT... and the adhesive is the best I have seen out there) but their customer service LISTENS to you and takes suggestions into consideration. Norm can attest to that. That is how business should be as WE are the CUSTOMER.

Good luck wityh working on the best San Diego has to offer. If business is that good a couple of truthful posts in this forum shouldnt affect your business. As anyone who knows this industry knows "the installer is key". And if yyou dont want to hear me bring up this topic again... dont start into it with me as you did because I had alreay amde my point clear.... and didnt need to bring it up again. But you had to start off with me... so expect it again if you come back. Its only hurting your business (I guess) not mine.

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I typically post in the morning or around lunch and remember there's a time difference between Texas and California. I haven't lost any business over thisbim just saying there's more then just members reading this forum. After a few recent phone calls expressing concern I started asking where they were hearing about these problems and they said right from the mouth of other installers on this forum. They read things differently then we do. To them an adhesive problem means a problem to them not the installer. We all have our preference products just like you get defensive about venture everyone but you sees problem with it. I think its not good enough to put on my cell phone but I don't waste my time with the company or any of you guys on a product I don't even plan on using. That's a big waste of energy that no one benefits from. I just use what works for me and enjoy chatting with other guys with common interest and the benefit of learning a couple things along the way. Hopefully we can agree on this.

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Hi, I always reverse roll my hoods, full and partial as well as most of my bumpers, and likewise I wouldn't be wearing a ring either,. Otherwise novel idea for the vid.


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Guest Invisibra.net

Video filmed in 'borne identity' style, lol.. I almost got sick watching those movies cause of the moving around of the camera so much in the fight scenes. cool vid though!

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