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Shelf life of film?

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horizontal yes, and my guess its been in a fairly cool area. At least that's where I found it. And there were lots of roll ends so I guess I can practice handcutting

Bingo. If in doubt just use it to practice cutting top edges and keeping your knife in plane(level). But I've held film upwards of 3-4 years before. I always lay the boxes flat and not on their ends. I had no issues installing the old film.

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A good tip for cutting back glass's-keep two Olfa's in your pouch. One for doors, one for back glass's only. I put a really small strip of blue painters tape with another small layer of electrical tape on the tip. It signifies "black" for back glass and helps me to make sure my blade is always sharp. The reasoning is every time I cut a top beveled edge on a door, the blade gets dulled. If or when I click the blade and it lands on this dulled spot, there is a significant chance to score the back glass. So I use one knife to cut doors. Then I use my marked blade to cut the back glass or cut 1/4's on the car.

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