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External automotive protective film?

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Hey guys.
A customer has requested a solution to stop him having to replace broken rear screens. He has a new Toyota Landcruiser, with barn doors at the rear. His problem is stones being flicked up from the caravan he tows, and chipping/cracking/breaking the rear screen.

I immediately thought of security film, or even anti-graffiti film, however besides being an internal film which I would be applying externally, my problem is application due to the rounded curvature of the glass.

Which then made me think of a defense pak type automotive film, but again, that is limited to durability being exposed to the outside elements.

Another option I have considered is paint protection film, which is made for external durability, and is forgiving enough to comply with stretching over curved glass. However one of these barn doors, has an actively used wiper. Which I guess will create headaches given its friction on the surface and possible inherent contaminants under the wiper blade.


Just wondering if anyone has any advice to pass on as to how I may go about this, or if you know of any product I can use which I haven’t mentioned which will be more practical and suitable for use here?

I have never really ventured into something this before.

Thanks in advance :)

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Hey Chappy,



The issue is with this film is that it is very hard to get hold of. I am told that a company in Melbourne sell it, but by the roll only.


This will not stop the glass from breaking if a large rock hit it, but it would reduce the change of the glass breaking and it is made to be resistant against wiper blade use.


If you really want to get some I can contact someone who does offer this film to mining companies for their large machinery windscreens.


Hope this helps.

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Hey mate. Maybe one of the times you gotta be honest about the limits with film.

Clearly this guy is thinking outside when he asks if there's a film to put over it that will help this, even if there is none.

Maybe suggest something else this time. Not sure if there's a certain auto glass that is good against this, or maybe a custom shop can build something he can attach on underneath the glass when he needs to.

Personally I woul try something like that and let him know when he needs any window film for any glass your the guy whose going to give the best solution without trying to rip him off.....

I'm sure he'll agree

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He did ask for film options, but the easiest and cheapest way is to engineer the caravan trailor guards so it doesn't sling rocks into the glass.


Or if the rocks are coming from the car and bouncing onto the caravan then onto the glass, then get some mud flaps.


Or next time the glass breaks, replace it with lexan.


Ofcoarse film is not the best option... Seems obvious.

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Good luck with ever finding a film option to stop the glass from breaking.

Just won't happen.

Rocks hit the glass  at 1 to 2 times the speed at which you are traveling at the time, so usually between 100 & 200 kph.

This isn't a new problem the film world  has encountered, it has been asked and answered decades ago.

You can get exterior sec films; AG films ( good luck with heat shrinking them); ppf will form to the glass better but none of them will  prevent the glass from breaking.

Serious guys travelling my way to the Cape will have a full width stone deflector fitted beneath the rear bumper area; will have stone deflectors (a frame with shade cloth attached) welded to the front frame of the  towed vehicle and will gaffer tape Perspex, corflute or even an empty beer carton cut to size (XXXX is the toughest protection natch) to the rear glass.


As 35 stated, sometimes we've just got to acknowledge the limits of film.

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Michael, I was talkin to the OP and making reference to what he should say to the customer.....

I think u may think I was talkin to u as what you should say to the OP......

Paranoid mate

Paranoid...only as much as any other Blue Heeler should be.

Watch your backs boys, payback is a biatch.



and 35, don't piss GTS off, even I wouldn't be game to do that. Target a QLDer if you must, it's only right at this time of year that we are getting bluey anyways :bat

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Michael, I was talkin to the OP and making reference to what he should say to the customer.....

I think u may think I was talkin to u as what you should say to the OP......

Paranoid mate


Hey 35, I think your feathers are getting a little ruffled  :lol2

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? I don't understand what's going on atm......

Did I say something bad or something? I dunno, on topic doing a whole house in security today.....


Hey owl.....

Have you ever picked up rooster shit?

What about dogs shit...... Guess you been pickin that up for a whole hey? :lol

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