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External automotive protective film?

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Guest Julie Smith

We have used clearplex and it does work well but only has a 12 month warranty so can work out quite expensive.  Our contact was Lou at GAT - not sure if he will sell a cut length for you?  Have attached info sheet.clearplex installerflyer.pdf


Distributed by ClearPlex Australia P/L 15-21 Aitken Street Williamstown 
Victoria 3016 Australia
Graphic Art Technologies 
Phone: 03 9397 0001 Fax : 03 9397 0037 E-mail : sales@gat.com.au
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We have used clearplex and it does work well but only has a 12 month warranty so can work out quite expensive. Our contact was Lou at GAT - not sure if he will sell a cut length for you? Have attached info sheet.attachicon.gifclearplex installerflyer.pdf

Distributed by ClearPlex Australia P/L 15-21 Aitken Street Williamstown

Victoria 3016 Australia

Graphic Art Technologies

Phone: 03 9397 0001 Fax : 03 9397 0037 E-mail : sales@gat.com.au

Thanks! Will look into it.

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clearplex will be the best option, but if you use your rear wiper it will scratch the film. otherwise could make up some sort of mesh covers over the glass but that would look shit and be harder to see through

i was going to get into this but opted out after how easily it scratches and you have to buy rolls not pre cut so its expensive paying a few k for a roll unless you have high demand for it

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Hey guys.

A customer has requested a solution to stop him having to replace broken rear screens. He has a new Toyota Landcruiser, with barn doors at the rear. His problem is stones being flicked up from the caravan he tows, and chipping/cracking/breaking the rear screen.

I immediately thought of security film, or even anti-graffiti film, however besides being an internal film which I would be applying externally, my problem is application due to the rounded curvature of the glass.

Which then made me think of a defense pak type automotive film, but again, that is limited to durability being exposed to the outside elements.

Another option I have considered is paint protection film, which is made for external durability, and is forgiving enough to comply with stretching over curved glass. However one of these barn doors, has an actively used wiper. Which I guess will create headaches given its friction on the surface and possible inherent contaminants under the wiper blade.


Just wondering if anyone has any advice to pass on as to how I may go about this, or if you know of any product I can use which I haven’t mentioned which will be more practical and suitable for use here?

I have never really ventured into something this before.

Thanks in advance :)

Hi Chappy,

Have a look at Bray Windscreen Skin. Bray Multi-layer windscreen protection is the latest and most advanced technology windscreen protection on the market. Unlike old windscreen protection which consists of just one layer of material and when damaged by scratches, wipers, or power steamers, has to be completely replaced, Bray has developed a new, (patent-pending), multi-layer system that comes with a BaseSkin and an ultra thin TopSkin which is designed to be replaced as needed. This means the BaseSkin remains on the vehicle and only the TopSkin has to be replaced for on-going maintenance. This eliminates the expensive replacement of the complete product.

It has different protection levels from 25µm up to 200µm. Warranty is 18 months & 3 Year option


​This will be available in Australia soon, I've registered my details for the more info on launch and training. Also Bray Windscreen Skin complies with the Australian Design Rule.

Check out www.braywindscreenskin.com.au

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Interesting. Would be interested to learn the differences between this and Clearplex e.g the benefit of replacing a top layer over a stronger non replaceable layer that clearplex use. Also if it needs to be replaced from wiper scratches wouldn't that meant it needs replacing a lot.


I did look into Clearplex also, its main target to make money on is trains, buses, trucks etc where it is costly to replace a windscreen. For everyday cars it is a costly exercise and you would be flat out selling it to anyone at the cost, unless its a supercar or has some sort of digital windscreen display.


I know in Melb people are making a killing on it using it on the trains


P.s Welcome to the Forums Dave :thumb

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Interesting. Would be interested to learn the differences between this and Clearplex e.g the benefit of replacing a top layer over a stronger non replaceable layer that clearplex use. Also if it needs to be replaced from wiper scratches wouldn't that meant it needs replacing a lot.


I did look into Clearplex also, its main target to make money on is trains, buses, trucks etc where it is costly to replace a windscreen. For everyday cars it is a costly exercise and you would be flat out selling it to anyone at the cost, unless its a supercar or has some sort of digital windscreen display.


I know in Melb people are making a killing on it using it on the trains


P.s Welcome to the Forums Dave :thumb

It's been bugging me Supreme when we have spoken, Can't remember for the life of me. Send me a PM and will have a chat :)


The Hard coat on BRAY is rated at 6 where Clear Plex is at 2, so BRAY far exceeds Clear Plex hard coat durability. It is easier to install also.

The reason in having a top coat is that the coating is scratch resistant not scratch proof. If you clean your windscreen and you change your wiper blade when you supposed to you limit the risk. Bray comes with a no scratch warrenty which a replacement top skin is sent out if needed, just needs to be installed. Bray has a 18 month and 3 years warranty options which Clear Plex doesnt have.

The BRAY Top Skin system reducers the full product replacement cost and with the product being backed by the warranty, just states the product quality and it's backed by warranty.


The everyday car owner isn't always going to see the value as they refer back to they get one FREE windscreen replacement per year. Well it's not free at all. Insurance companies are in the money making business, you pay for it but its hidden. + the safety side out weighs the cost of replacement. They really dont know how much a windscreen costs. I had a call and a customer who just spent $2200 on replacing the windscreen, he is booked in to get his car done.


Any questions you have or thoughts please let me know. 


Best Regards


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