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I'm gonna have to start charging deposits

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I message all customers either by text, Facebook message or a phone call the day before to confirm the appointments. I normally only get 1 or 2 no shows a month. After a while you will learn how to predict the no shows by how they talk to you .

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I get the occasional no-show or cancelation. Yeah it sucks but I just think its part of doing business. I too confirm and remind customers the day prior and I believe that taking deposits is a bad idea. I usually try and tell customers to please let me know if they need to reschedule or cancel so that I may fill the appointment slot with another potential customer.


Another good thing is when setting other appointments for the week or so I usually ask the other customers what there availability for the week is. So if there is a no show or cancelation I can contact (message, email, text, call) other customers and offer them an earlier appointment. If I'm able to fill the cancelation/no show I now have an open slot later in the week to fill.

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