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Customer Questions

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Customers if you have a question about your tint job, please ask your installer, we can't help you.

IF you are here to ask us how to tint your car yourself, don't.

The only information we can off to customer is http://www.tintdude.com/care.html . And if you are a do it yourselfer, please read the info already on the site, there is plenty of it.

Members, please do not respond to customers or non-tinters questions, as it always ends in a train wreck.

For example, a typical non-tinter question is either about where to get an illegal fader film applied to their windshield, or asking what the best way to tint their Acura themselves, never having done it.

When we advise them to keep it legal or that fader is cheap, illegal and crappy looking, or we tell them that they will not be able to do a good job if they try to do it themselves, they ALWAYS start calling us names, telling us our work involves no skill, and how much better of a car they drive than any tinter could afford.

Without fail.

Usually they will go on to some other board and post complaints about how heavily moderated the site is and that we are all jerks and mean to them. :thumbdown

So, sorry all you non-tinters, there is more than enough information on this site for you to read, but please, keep your questions and comments to yourself.

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