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Posts posted by drtint

  1. If you are talking to a customer here and there,  obviously you figure your cost and time. If you are talking eBay or other avenues, good luck. Window film software suppliers and distributors will eventually be all over you if it is their program running the sale product. If you make your own templates it will be a tough market with the one that are and have been there a while

  2. If it is lines of water blisters, you are not overlapping your squeege strokes as you move down the window. Check that your installation tool is smooth and that you are overlapping your strokes.

    spray your solution on a piece of any glass, run you install squeege over it and see if it left any streaks...if so, that is your problem, if not, overlap your strokes. 

    If you are getting specs of dirt or dust, see if you are running fans or ac and as they have told you check your water bottles.

  3. Anyway, the bonus and responsibility of a good prepper is to pull the vehicle in, watch installer as to where they start or finish, stay behind the install and in front of the delivery which is as an installer you would lay the film and the prepper would learn your moves and pick up on the other responsibilities. Our prep guy pulls the vehicle in, opens all doors, cleans all glass from passenger side around. Installer installs from passenger side around and prepper cleans installed glass and parks vehicle and gets the next one.

    they learn quick because in their mind they want to tint and be that guy. Our preppers touch up everything on the lot while we are installing the next one. They are valuable with high volume and workmanship. After 4-6 months of prepping we give them the responsibility of installing and see where they are. Makes life easy.

    a good prepper with a set of hands and extra pair of eyeballs is invaluable.

  4. 19 hours ago, quality tintz said:

    I whip mine hard to keep him in line oh and he is white not black hahahahaha!!!! Keep them as a good cleaner doors ,door panels, drive cars in and out..when you get a rhythm down its great !!!

    What does that statement mean? Didn’t know you had and you were deeply affected and felt the need to throw out some stupid shit like that. Don’t ask me for anymore advice or questions. We are all brothers and sisters and we all bleed red you idiot. Reflect, retract, and get on with your life. 


  5. Guess I missed something Jeff. I appreciate the disagreement but I think I said to anchor the sides and let the pattern lay and move the interior where needed so that sides are correct before laying down center. I am not so sure that someone new to this application would center material with success and not over stretch one side or the other without silvering or adhesive runs and failure. Been wrong before though.

    thanks for the info 

  6. What is certified in this business? Ask yourself; can I install window film and do I do a quality job and most of all; would I pay for the work I have performed and am satisfied that I would pay for it. Been doing this for a while. Never been certified by 3m ( outside of the fact they don’t make film) they have their own installation practices that help you achieve your results in installing their materials which is what you need to do anywhere with any material. Not going to get into it, but 3m runs a three day certification program  (after committing to a minimum order)  and what do you feel that is worth. There are a lot of professionals that don’t use 3m and do a tremendous amount of business. I am a college grad and never used the degree I received, also never ordered (but have installed) their products. Doesn’t really mean a lot. You are your sales and pitch and use a quality product and you will be fine. I wrote certifications for 12 years for my installers, doesn’t mean they can’t weld and only install film. 

    Bottom line, believe in yourself. I have an auto detailed friend in Kentucky  that does 400,000.00 a year and can’t read or write. You think he was certified?


  7. Been doing this 36 years and everyday someone  is trying to reinvent the wheel. Ice packs are for your back at the end of a long day, not your sprayers or corny tanks.

    empty the sprayer and put in fresh every day or do more windows to empty the sprayer. Your solution isn’t going to coagulate as long as the juices keep flowing. If it sets for a period then you have that issue. A few days won’t do it unless sitting in a hot place. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, no ma'am said:

    Not thinking my issue is water related :whew battery is dead :007 

    Figured that.... we consistently turn key on when rollups are being worked and we install two front doors, we turn key off, restart car, shack voltage, turn car off and then to in position and do two back doors. Keeps me from yelling and them from connecting jump boxes and chargers.

    on another note...when you have an all electric vehicle like the Tesla, connect a trickle charger and not worry about it. I have had hybrid cars go dead and made dash look like a Christmas tree. Some vehicles don’t like a battery that went dead, especially the 3,500 volt electrics. Scanners don’t turn the dash lights out...dealer does...


  9. You have a few variables we don’t know about.

    do you rent? Do you own building? Do you use transit plates? Responsibilities can shift in different avenues according to you situation. A lot of small biz entrepreneurs end up paying for the same incurred cost twice because insurance companies don’t explain it to them. My wife is a legal beagle and won’t let me pay to much for anything...she says more for her to shop

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