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Posts posted by Saved!

  1. I give it all to the lord and praise him for it all. What a great way to be able to teach your son. About life. When i was taught to tint it was by 4.25 plus a year experience tinters.  Thats 100 years of experience.  We need to give back and in teaching trades.Mike Homes. Peggy Sparhawk. Angelo martenize. Chuck Luster. Each one taught me so much . Mike slow and steady. I cleaned widows for him for over a year. peggy was the most steps on how to make it easy. Angelo the fastest tinter i still have ever seen. Still clean. Chuck a true friend and i mix of them all. What im saying is learn from the best you can find to help . If you ask for help most people will step up. May you be blessed.tint with joy.grace .Start learning now dont wait. Just get one car a day . then work up to two.

  2. Well let me say do what you want to we cant tell you what you need to do. If you like cars and the people that owen them then go and be the best tinter that you can be . it sounds like you justify not tinting cause its hard but there offering to let you learn on there dime sounds like a way in .  You need to be a person who can stand by your word.  Listen to your heart it sounds like its in it but your mind might not be. Let me say tinting is very hard to learn .sleepless nights and i could of done better. Its just tint. Thats it if its bad then take it off and redo. No one ever gets hurt. Thats the just of it. Get some training and more cars. Sure they want to make money dont we all need to.? Ill teach you. Maybe talk  to them about getting a plotter. Alot of tinters who don't know how to hand cut it makes it easier to learn. Good luck let us know what you do . 

  3. I feel for you . I think most of us have been through that kind stuff. The good news is that you feel that its bad. If you dont like it then just find somewhere different. Knowing that your being forced to lie has to make your days long. Listen to me life is to short to be unhappy you need to do what is right .Dont ever let someone make you less then what you are . you are great and keep that in your heart . when you leave that guy youll see much more joy. I know for a fact that more work will come that you can take pride in.

  4. So what your saying is you break the law. That's a good thing. Also  that you can see it even with tint covering it. Even with 5%.ok. That's a good point. That if you cut around it you don't know how to tint. That i must use a plotter. What would be wrong with that? Sorry i got 30 exp. I must be a hack. That's why where the must expensive shop in our state.

  5. Yea.Tell that to someone who lost a loved one sitting at a red light and been ran into by some jerk who wasn't paying attention. Drinking.smoking .texting.

    3 hours ago, Tintmaster08 said:

    That’s why you have taillights, in no way covering a third brake light is putting anyone at risk. If you are relying on a third brake light to tell you to stop and not all of the lights on the rear of a car lighting up, then you need to turn in your license sell your car and take public transportation because you shouldn’t be behind a wheel in the first place

    When some tinter covered  up the light witch could of and should of been seen .  A split second can make the difference.

    Your telling me that the light don't matter . That's why in 1986 is was standard on all passengers cars and 1994 all trucks .

    It a federal motor vehicle. standard.!

    I sleep good at night knowing im not responsible for doing something so petty. 

    So sorry about it. Dont take it so personal. As for me thanks ill just take a 🚌. Your response is funny. Ha ha. Its safety.Frist 

  6. Three specks.

    Not good not bad .

    He should of cleaned it or at least chillzeld.Them down.

    Just tell him your looking for a better job. That you think that he can do it. Maybe buy him a coffee or lunch. For the trouble. Just bring it back and vacuum the it and wash it . the cleaner the better. That's what we do to all customers . we clean the outside\inside. Return it looking better then when it arrived. :thanks

  7. It a safety thing. Would you drive with out a seatbelt? Thanks for putting us all at risk . Buy covering up the third brake light..There for safety people. That's what there for to save life's. When seconds count and the :salutewell being of a  family is in hand. Im using everything that is provided. We should never put the community or ourselves at risk !!


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