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Endust for Electronics shrinking

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just wondering if the few that tried it are still using it or went back to thier old ways..MDOG ? TD ? the others that tried it?

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I couldnt find it. but I found pledge for electronics and tried it and it was drying out my nasal cavaties and giving me a sore throat and making me feel woozy from the smell.

I cant speak for the ENDUST though I never found any.

I just use my soap method and it works better than anything I have ever used to date.

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I just use my soap method and it works better than anything I have ever used to date.

I rememmber you talking about that a while back..so you switched permanatly to that method? could you bring up the link for that again?

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all you got to do is get a rag and I spray water on it and rub a bar of ivory soap on it and get it nice and slathery :rollin then wipe it on the glass, its identical to dryer sheets in that way, except this method has a slight more tack when you go over the fingers.

just put the rag to the side and when the next one comes in rewet the rag and wipe it again you wont even have to put more soap on the rag if you get it nice and lathered up the first time.. it works great, I tinted 80 cars this month this way.

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:? OT was it one of the 90-93 2dr crazy azz back windows and a back glass that has more butt than Britney Spears :lol I done one not to long ago and since 3 have stopped in for quotes...300.00 :rollin They either said thanks :lol or what kind of fuzzing tint makes it cost 300.00 :? The only reason I had to tint the one was I thought 200.00 would scare the kid away :thumb he leaned over :lol everyone else told me 220. :beer ..Sooo we aint taking no more chances
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