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Tint on 2005 Expedition

Guest tcheatle

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Guest tcheatle

I just got my 2005 Expedition XLT Sport Tinted yesterday with Suntek Carbon 18% front two windows and than installed Suntek Carbon 35% on the factory tint all around. This truck looks GREAT considering that it is all black with very dark windows.

Now a question I have is what % is the factory tint on this SUV? Also, by installed 35% over the factory tint, what would be the formula to figure out what the true % is. I know you would not just take 35% + (lets us 20% as factory) 20% = 55% divided by 2 = 22.5%.

Just wondering, if anyone can advise, I'd appreciate it.

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Guest metint

You multiply the percents together to come up with net VLT. In this case it equals 7%.

As to 18% on the fronts... thanks for the :cool in the face of the window film industry. :lol2

What 'State' law are you violating? :cool

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Guest tcheatle

So the overall tint on the rear is considered 7% for light transmittance.

As for the state, I live in PA. I have heard everything from 30% is alright on the front two windows to nothing is acceptable. If we get "stopped" I will get 30% put on, otherwise my "wife" will live with the 18% for now. Regarding the back windows, again I hear that you can basically black these out, noting that you must have two side mirrors. Is this true? I had tint on my cars 18 years ago (5% limo) and not once did I get stopped in NJ (where I lived) and my cars were blacked out for at least 5 years......than I grew up I guess.......

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Guest tint rookie

gonna laugh when you wreck your new truck because you couldnt see what was beside you.....litterally right under your nose. you prob have one of those essuvee attitudes driving ta boot.

gonna laugh even harder when your insurance wont pay to repair your truck when the adjuster sees the reason why.

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Guest tint rookie

dont let this turn into a tattle tale crusade on shops that are stupid. they'll get theirs in the long run.

next thing you know shops doing 45 and 50 on fronts held to the same standards as those doing 5 and 15.

there needs to be some kinda reform (esp. in cali). id have a hard on if I could legally do 30 net on fronts. that is entirely a relaxed law. and even if the law allowed darker 30 would be where my scrupple meter would kick in. my shop is not burger king or supercuts. I tint to my ego and morals not yours. (and unfortunately until state laws change, the state's morals included)

but no matter where you go in the u.s. theres a law to protect you and everyone from your own ignorance.

lets see how it can get this accross without being edited, big fat hot dog people notoriously known for their lack of smarts, wouldnt even go that dark, and they evented the screen dorr for submarines, and the solar lightbulb, and ejection seats for helicopter pilots.

just in case that got edited, RAY CHARLES WOULDNT GO THAT DARK.

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As to 18% on the fronts... thanks for the? :thumb in the face of the window film industry. :?



As far as I know, the rear windows of an SUV or MPV can be as dark as you wish.

18% in the front is NOT legal in ANY STATE!

!llegal tint is just that...!llegal... that means it's AGAINST THE FREAKIN LAW!

Think about your wifes ability to see out at night or in the rain.

You don't want to be one of those unlucky souls that runs someone over cause you could'nt see out of your "cool looking windows,"

or God forbid run over your own child because of this.

People that do !llegal window tinting screw up the market for those of us who run legitmate business.

Have them done right or don't mention it here, for the most part we are legitmate business people and don't want to hear about your !llegal practices.

This is my personal view of this, but I'm sure I am not alone.

Do it LEGAL or keep it on the DL. :dunno

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Personally, I would LOVE to "OUT !llegal SHOPS", forgive my rant, but I am tired of the looks and comments I get when I have to fail someones state inspection because their tint is too dark to pass.

If you are going to do something, do it right or just don't do it!

Come on!

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