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Lamin-X and pattern Cd

Guest aspen0220

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Guest aspen0220

Hello, I am currently doing a small business local around my area by installing headlight and tailight for people. I know that laminx have pattern for both the headlight and tailight but then they do not distribute it anymore. Now I am trying to find a way to grab a hold of it and I will not mind paying for it. Anybody have anymore information about it? Anybody have the CD from laminx that maybe we can work something out? Thank you

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Not for nothing but what you are asking is asking to get your hands cut off...

Either contact them directly or forget it.

You could always design your own...

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I think if the software they HAD would be out dated by now anyways. Why don't you just buy a bulk roll of PPF and start practicing on headlights and taillights they are more forgiving than paint. I have a software but I bet it maybe has five or so headlight patterns 0 taillight patterns. I have to bulk roll and cut for any headlight and I rarely do taillights. Anywayz if you want to PM me I can give you a couple dealers of PPF. Good Luck

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