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Solamatrix press release

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Ok, so you say the facts are in bold here.....lets see your facts without all the BS

Look, You guys all need to chill a bit. Especially all you guys who are "in the tank" for the Captain. Geesh get a room!

Here is are the FACTS: And by the way -Facts will appear in Bold print from here on.

Solamatrix has alot to live down in the purchase of the SunGard brand.

FTI RUINED the SunGard Brand in the US with a gooey adhesive and a poly that turned clear within 12 to 24 months.

a crapped out product line/name.

they have a few things to prove

professional Capt. Bill

I have nothing against Capt Bill.

He seems to be a great guy who is stuck with the unenviable task of convincing all us old timers that the same old SunGard is NOT being repackaged and resold by a new owner with out of date equipment.

There is alot of "smack" floating around in our industry and on this forum.

I have been guilty myself of repeating rumors.

If I have damaged anyone here I sincerely apologize.

phenomenal claims

I for one hope it is.

Again had SunGard/FTI not burned so many bridges, this new ownership thing wouldn't be such a BIG deal necessarily.

trust has become a rare commodity.

convinced I mean no ill will to Solamatrix or the Captain. I wish them well and again apologize for any perceived hostility toward them.

I hope what I was told about the EPA fine was wrong and I want to believe Bill. We all need a company that is TRUELY looking out for all of us.

now...this was your original statement:

I was told by an industry insider that SolaMatrix got hit with a huge Million $ fine from the EPA because their equipment was in violation of EPA standards. Their defense was they were "grandfathered" in as SunGard. But the NEW owners are NOT grandfathered in. They are considered a NEW company thus in violation.

Nice spin on the story though, I give them that. :dunno

can you please tell me how your "facts" prove that statement??? :thumb

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Right on dude. They screwed me over several years ago and the capt played a part in it along with tom adams with their Diamond program. Gave me a year exclusive in my area and 5 months later set up my competition with the diamond program now they are out of business so I guess I owe them. ALSO my rep at the time, mike smith sent a letter to all law enforcement in the state complaining about lack of enforcement of !llegal apps with a offer to help with enforcement. I don’t condone darker than legal papas but manufactures should mind their own business.

Bill gets paid to come on here sooooooo.

I heard the same thing you did but it could be BS even if my info also came from a man that should know. I still eat their warranty work and it leaves me with a bad taste for the product. I wouldn’t use it if they gave it to me. The EPA fine who knows but screwing me I'm positive about. I don’t have time for DMC I’m just exercising my right for free speech on a public forum that I admire and respect just like you. I thought about keeping this to myself considering the feedback you got but decided to speak out. Bill you know how to find me too.


Stan I sat here and thought about this and it just dissappointed me to no end. You sell your stuff all over the world. Hell theres no telling how much this website has sold you over the years. You cannot sit here and tell me that every customer that you have ever sold has been 100% happy and you have never had any failure with any of your products sold. How would you like it if somebody came on here crying about your product before they were man enough to pick up the phone themselves and talk to you or customer service. Maybe you didnt live up to your end on the diamond program. So now you owe them. You have ranted on here for years how everyone has screwed you at one time or another. We've begged on this site for years for help in cleaning up the hacks and !llegal tinters in this world while you whine about a manufactor trying to help the situation. Its been my opinion for years that its people like you selling to hacks all over the world your do it yourself kits and manuals and dvds on how to tint are creating more hacks and problems with this industry than any chiatty film out there. Isnt it true that you will sell film to anyone that calls also. It is also my opinion that your company has singlehandedly brought down the industry more than any chiatty film manufactor out there also. Isnt it nice to exercise the right of free speech on a public forum :thumb

Sorry TD I tried to clean it up the best I could.

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No problem Willie, I know it's a tough subject. :dunno

I'd just like to ask these people that are spreading these kinds of rumors to put yourself in the same shoes, and consider what it would be like if someone was spreading lies about you in an attempt to harm your business and reputation. It wouldn't be fun would it?

So, unless someone has some proof of this EPA fine, then post it, otherwise stop spreading rumors.

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Well Willie I’m sorry I offended you with my feelings about Bill and I edited my post AND knew when I was making it that I probably should just keep my mouth shut but sometimes that’s hard for me to do. For that I apologize to you and all including Bill. At the same time you are just as out of line as me with your comments but I respect you and your feelings even if you are VERY misinformed on my customers satisfaction. The reason you don’t read where I screw people over is I don’t. Its real simple, if someone is unhappy I take care of it because I don’t want them talking about me in a public forum, dang free speech.. If they took care of their customers like I do this would not even be taking place. Yes I have posted before about manufactures screwing me because I get tired of it. Do you know if I ever tried to settle my differences with SG before making this post? I’m pretty sure you don’t and it is you ranting about something you know nothing about. I am disappointed you feel that way because I think you are a great guy and one of my favorite members on the board. I do sell DVD’s to TD members and give them a healthy discount but I’m not here to just sell stuff like Bill. I’m here because tinting is my life and you guys are my friends. Hanging out on TD is my favorite pastime but. I get worse emails from people who don’t want more people to learn how to tint believe me. It’s a big world out there and this profession is always going to need new people and I truly enjoy teaching them no matter if others want to keep tinting windows a private club. I will just keep my experiences with manufactures censored so they can do what ever they want and not fear retribution.

Peace out

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Guest vclimber

Stan have you tried to settle your warranty issues since FTi became Solomatrix? If I am not mistaken a member posted that Solomatrix is working with them to cover old Sun Gard/FTI warranties... granted you would presumably continue to do business with the new company.

TD good comment. :dunno

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No problem Willie, I know it's a tough subject. :bs

I'd just like to ask these people that are spreading these kinds of rumors to put yourself in the same shoes, and consider what it would be like if someone was spreading lies about you in an attempt to harm your business and reputation. It wouldn't be fun would it?

So, unless someone has some proof of this EPA fine, then post it, otherwise stop spreading rumors.


Stan have you tried to settle your warranty issues since FTi became Solomatrix? If I am not mistaken a member posted that Solomatrix is working with them to cover old Sun Gard/FTI warranties... granted you would presumably continue to do business with the new company.

TD good comment. :thumb

:beer One of the points I was trying to get accross, just not so eloquant :thumb

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Well Willie I’m sorry I offended you with my feelings about Bill and I edited my post AND knew when I was making it that I probably should just keep my mouth shut but sometimes that’s hard for me to do.

me too :thumb

At the same time you are just as out of line as me with your comments but I respect you and your feelings even if you are VERY misinformed on my customers satisfaction. The reason you don’t read where I screw people over is I don’t. Its real simple, if someone is unhappy I take care of it because I don’t want them talking about me in a public forum, dang free speech.. If they took care of their customers like I do this would not even be taking place.

Stan if you have satisifed 100% of your customers and dont have even 1 unsatisfied customer in all your years in the business I will gladly drive to oregon and Kiss your Ass. It aint happenin cause its not possible :thumb Your probably a dang good business man but nobody in there right mind can make that statement

Yes I have posted before about manufactures screwing me because I get tired of it. Do you know if I ever tried to settle my differences with SG before making this post? I’m pretty sure you don’t and it is you ranting about something you know nothing about.

My point being why call him out on a public forum and tell him he has your number. It was a simple question. Have you done everything on your end to resolve the matter. Look at Vdiddys post. It seems to me Capt Bill and solomatrix are trying to do the right thing with those willing to work with them. I can personally say he has done everything in his power to work with me on this end I am satisfied with the arrangement :beer

I am disappointed you feel that way because I think you are a great guy and one of my favorite members on the board.

Same here but doesnt mean I have to agree with your business practices, nor you mine.

I do sell DVD’s to TD members and give them a healthy discount but I’m not here to just sell stuff like Bill.

Another stab in the back. Push that knife in and turn. Looks to me he can handle his own and seems to be trying to work with anybody, not just sell stuff.

I’m here because tinting is my life and you guys are my friends. Hanging out on TD is my favorite pastime but. I get worse emails from people who don’t want more people to learn how to tint believe me. It’s a big world out there and this profession is always going to need new people and I truly enjoy teaching them no matter if others want to keep tinting windows a private club. I will just keep my experiences with manufactures censored so they can do what ever they want and not fear retribution.

Peace out

You stand to gain a profit off almost every thing you do in this industry. Whether it be sell dvds, train them in tint school, travel abroad to rep for a company and so on. I ask you this then, if you love it so much would you do it for free? Its business Stan and lets just face it. Were not gonna agree on that point at all, nothing personal. :beer

well heck I didnt work the fonts right and dont know how to fix it. You know what is your part and what is mine. TD may know how to fix it.

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Guest tint phantom

I can say this,the people at Solamatrix have a big job ahead. To bring back a comany from almost complete ruin,it's like Obama pesident elect assuming control of the White House. Best Wishes. :thumb

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Guest metro jim

This is the only violation from the FTI Facility this year, so far being documented:


TO RULE 62-213.440(3)(a), F.A.C., THE COMPLIANCE










The fine was only $100. so I hope this is not the smoking gun your talking about. This was in regards to a reporting requirement, nothing environmental.....bill was this your job? ooops!

From EPA

*Note that enforcement actions that are in process are not publicly available.

There were two other fines/monetary penalties paid in 2004 for over $4000. and one in 2006 for over $24,000 I was unable to find out what they were specifically.

With everything I looked over they seem to be A-OK '

Good day

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