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reverse roll?

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When rolling the film for a reverse roll is the liner or the film facing out. Also does anybody know of a link to a vid that I can see this method.


the video's you want to watch are PRE CUT FILM TECHNIQUE and ROLL TECHNIQUe this will show you what you want to know .....

Thanks for the video that was what I was looking for.

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any explanation on the TTC method.

I assume this

Thats the stuff! :spit

I really wish i could use that but i aready have huge issues with contamination. I reverse roll almost all back glasses to cut down on trash. Some refer to it as the dirt roll but Ive had better luck with it than going franky with the film. :please

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Just like a reverse roll the importance is to have a clean glass on the outside to aviod contaminants. The video also seems to have a solid plastic rear deck and not the tightest rear glass. I put butcher paper wax side up. Over top of the rear deck to cover felt. Also covers any speakers that may be there. That would be good for avoiding contaminants with the TTC fold. Did that years ago but havent tried it recently. Stuck with the franky. Didnt know the technical name. If thats what it is. Haha

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