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CDF removal/need advice

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Anybody know of an easier way?? Obviously scrape the piss out of it, but is there anything that will help loosen this up without using any serious chemicals? Ive heard of the bagging trick as well as using ammonia to speed it up. Any advice will help, thanks!

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I've tried everything (except the brick) from bagging to using that old fluorescent green gunk that eats the gaskets and anything else you get it on. The green stuff works but it is toxic, so is ammonia and I've seen offices evacuate from ammonia fumes on an R&R.

Dry scraping with sharp 4" blades and an extension scraper have always worked best for me. It is work, there is no way around that. One thing you want to watch out for is reinstalling film after dry adhesive removal. If you try to reinstall PS adhesive film you will most likely have some issues with the adhesive grabbing due to residual dry adhesive. Go back with cerium oxide to remove the residual dry adhesive. SRP scratch removal systems are great at removing CDF residue. :twocents

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