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Anybody heard of Cool Window Films?

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Good this guy goes on forever talking and talking Good this guy goes on forever talking and talking


I think it's a big boggas to make you all buy the film

Wow, nice first 2 posts mate.

If it is really your first posts and you haven't just opened a 2 nd account?

Now run along and put your toys away and tidy your room before your mummy gets home.

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Mate I just want to know if anyone used this film Nexfil before and I got my head bitten off by tinters by the way Nexfil is a million dollar company it's huge overseas before any tinter makes her decision before using this film is guessing these people are the first importers of Nexfil into Australia so I like to know if you have even heard of anything

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Hey Alltintsydney/Thu9life,

Mate.. I gave you my unbias opinion in your previous user name post.



Flash back... You contacted me back in 2013.. I took a good look at your business then added your business to the ITN..

The very first thing you did was submit a fake quote to the local tinters in the ITN chasing a price guide. I mentioned if you ever did that again I would remove your listing in the hope that it was just a silly mistake.


You then contacted me a number of times over the following months asking for info on different things including my thoughts on certain products etc.. I never once tried to sell you any film, you said that you were buying some old clearance Madico stock and you could no longer get it so you asked what we had at GTS that would suite. You seemed to be stuck in the thought that you could only get $--- for a tint job so you didn't want to pay more than $--- for film. I tried on a number of occasions to educate you otherwise whilst being careful not to push certain films on you. Nothing seems to sink in with you!


I "go on" about what I am doing because I care about the industry, but I believe you care about you.


You continued to receive leads from the ITN in your local area, yet now you say that people have to use the film that is sold at GTS to be part of it? Then when you come to this forum to promote a cheap a$$ film that you install illegally and expect that others will throw you praise..


Your a goose.. Understand? Maybe here is your wake up call.. I did not throw you under the bus on many occasions because everyone deserves a second chance.. If you want to challenge me.. Go ahead.. I pay great attention to detail, I work 10 times harder and smarter than you, I am willing to work harder so you don't have to... I was here to help you.. Instead of using me to improve your business, after never ever asking of you, you come on here and try and discredit me because you just found a cheap film that sticks good.


So what have you got to be proud of in your business? Good customer service? No.. Quality products? No. Quality installs? No.. Reliable service? No. Cheapest price? No.. Warranty? No.


Maybe it's time I gave up on you?

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In 1 ear and out the other... I give up.

This is a nexfil HP film after 6 months. Good luck in the future Chris..



Here it is after 12 months.. This is what your 15% taillight warranty tint jobs will look like.. Are you expecting your customers to ever use you again? Repeat business is the most important.



Good luck in life.. Please lose my number.

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No worries I just wanted to know I haven't used it much only put on my house windows and still looks good after 6 months I think it's chip dyed film I didn't mean to offend you before I just got offended when people are rude to me

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No worries I just wanted to know I haven't used it much only put on my house windows and still looks good after 6 months I think it's chip dyed film I didn't mean to offend you before I just got offended when people are rude to me

All good.. Please take a closer look if I have offended you in any of my previous posts before you made personal comments about myself.. And to say that you need to buy film from 1 place to be part of the ITN, even though you know that was BS was a low blow. That's why you changed your user name to try and deceive us. Not cool man. Not sure what your motive is?

Here was my first post to you.. Why don't you answer it now?

Hey AllTintSydney,

Q. If you had the chance to pay $10 more in film per car and receive an extra $100 more per car would you do it?

Thanks in advance.

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