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PPF pre cut to fit from dist.

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My employer buys the ppf all ready cut from the 3M distributor, and though I've only been installing ppf for about a year now (15+/- full jobs maybe), it seems that they are cut all wrong. Its like the film is often too short and even in some cases it's intended for another model car. These patterns often require so much manipulation to get them to fit that it causes marks in the film and I have to trim it on the car. On one job the hood piece and the fender pieces didn't line up, the fender pieces were three inches longer than the hood. Recently they sent us a kit that was too big and when we called they said its supposed to wrap around the inside of the hood (they said they were doing me a favor?) and I need to use a promoter pen to make it stick on the edges. I have worked with other brands and I don't recall having issues this severe. I'm "certified" to install 3M and I have a steamer, and I'm a life long tinter with all the tools. Has anyone else had these issues? Is this normal? Any suggestions?

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The 3M dist. Accent Distributing. I'm not sure where they get it cut. I've looked at some other kits from other manufacturers and the ones being sent to me dont always resemble the ones I see online.

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It just might be knowing how and where to stretch the film. I'm not sticking up for the distributor by any means, just trying to get a birds eye view of the whole picture. also, are they asking you the correct info in order to cut you the right kit? When we sell PremiumShield kits, i have a form that I use that goes over just about anything and everything to make sure we cut the right kit for you. Year, make, model, submodel, sedan or coupe, wrap or non-wrap, tow hooks, pdc cut outs, washers, what pieces you want. Something so simple as whether its a sedan or coupe makes a huge difference. Same thing with the submodel. It could also be that they are not cutting you good kits which is not a good situation. Cutting kits sounds like it's really easy but it is easy to screw them up. Plus, the customer whether it may be a private job or dealership can give you the wrong info and that is always fun to deal with. As a reseller of kits, it's huge to know your stuff about the cars/kits that you resell. If you need any help, you can PM anytime.

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UPDATE: I should've put this up a while back. We were able to install the kit nicely, and please a dificult Porsche owner (imagine that). We called Accent with our concerns, and Dan Black came up to help with the install. Dan and the people at Accent really helped us out, it's nice to have support like that.

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