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LLUMAR Paint protection film

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Yes it is

Any actual proof? Not saying it isn't, most likely is, but so that the subject can be put to rest please share your proof.

We have used it when Suntek was out of stock it was shipped instead

Other than the box art film was Identical.

What more proof is needed?

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Nice bit of selective cut and paste

Would you like to post the rest of the second response so you don't look quite as much like a troll?

We have used lots of both it is the same so I guess you better define "proof"


You are a little slow aren't you?  The OP wanted confirmation that it is the same.  He clearly already researched it (stating he read about roll numbers) and still was unsure.  So at that point some actual evidence or proof needs to be added.  You then responded with, "Yes it is"...without any proof or reasoning you are stating that.  Then you finally posted proof and immediately asked what more proof is needed as if you already posted the proof before and someone is arguing with you.  I quoted the question specifically and answered, "More than yes it is" meaning next time just post the proof which is actually what the OP needs.  Following me, or do I need to hold your hand on this journey?

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Obviously you don't know who Tango2 is or his word would be all the proof you need.


I think most of the world doesn't know who he is, so for someone researching this subject in the future that stumbles across this thread, it is much better to have the actual proof listed.  

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Too funny still waiting for you to Define proof and you accuse me of being slow? Lol

Several others have stated its the same all who presumably like us have used it so as I said what more proof is needed

The details are there in several posts.


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Too funny still waiting for you to Define proof and you accuse me of being slow? Lol

Several others have stated its the same all who presumably like us have used it so as I said what more proof is needed

The details are there in several posts.



As stated before, you did add proof..."We have used it when Suntek was out of stock it was shipped instead.  Problem was that should of been stated in the 1st post along with "Yes it is".  If you don't get that then you are definitely slow.   :facepalm2


By the way here is the definition of proof...you did not add any in the 1st post, but did in the 2nd post.  Just for future reference.   :thumb


  1. 1.
    evidence or argument establishing or helping to establish a fact or the truth of a statement.
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It feels looks and installs the same. The Llumar rolls have a U73-***** roll number same as Suntek. Llumar won't tell me but they kind of snickered when I should them the roll numbers.


Thank you for actually posting your proof in your 1st post...perfect response.

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