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PPF edge won't stay down!

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How can I get this trouble area to stay adhered?  I can work it /press it down smooth, yet is lifts back up to this (see photo).  Will a stronger mix of alcohol/water do it? Or some add adhesive?  It is the

only 1"-2" section on an entire hood that is otherwise perfect....don't want to do over again....it is on my car.





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Adding more alcohol to your tack solution will NOT increase the stick of the adhesive.  Looks like you already have it too hot by the distortion in the film to the left, that looks far from perfect.  Products like ProBond  should only be used where the film isn't going to show like under the hood or inside tow hooks.

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I would agree that it isn't salvageable at this point without lifting up a substantial amount of film to redistribute the excess material.  If you have to force it down, it's only a matter of time before it comes back up.

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That is never going to stay down. You say it's your hood, if it is purely for protection and you can put up with it leave as is, if it's for showing customers it's a redo and as been mentioned already the part to the extreme left looks rough as well.



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