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Why does people laugh at window tinting?

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Like I had told my girl that I wanted to get into and she said babe that's something you do on the side. I thinking about putting her on the side so she knows what a real side job is. I'm jk, but it seems like she isn't the only one that thinks like that. I honestly feel like if I can manage to do 3 cars a day for 5 days a week it beats clocking in on someone else's clock. I hate asking people can I spend time with my family. Have anyone else get this a lot or is it every blue moon?

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Throw her to the curb. Yea you're going to get some resistance in general. I read quite a bit of negativity in your other thread from what seems to be seasoned tinters discouraging you from this business. This business is like any other.. what you put in is what you will get out. You can make 100 grand a year selling bubble gum if you hustle and work hard and window tinting is no different. There are so many other avenues besides just tint as well. Architectural, safety, decorative films, wall murals, signage ,paint protection, window cleaning.. hell I even installed wall paper for someone after realizing how similar it is to film. Don't let the haters hold you back.

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Everyone is correct????

I play cards a few nights a week with a couple doctors, lawyers and medical students. Been playing for years ( they keep giving me money to keep playing ). I trained one while he was getting his degree in health care along with his fiancé. A year ago they received an identical degree. (He got a degree just to prove to himself he could do it, he had no other interest in it). Now she gets on him because he works 9-4 daily Monday through Friday, no weekend and no issues. She works 7:30-6 Monday through Friday and in call Saturday....he makes 18 dollars more an hour. I set him up with a permanent gig back then, (believe me, this is a guy afraid when it comes to stability and responsibility). He is in one building, benefits and a future with a big dealer. He runs the show and they take care of him, not typical dealer work. He is an employee at 35 an hr. Loves what he does, just afraid to be on his own... fear of the unknown like some people have.

You can take this skill wherever you want it to go.

It's amazing out there. Never give up. Grizzlies gave you the right info, you have the tools...it's up to you


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Yea wrigles gum company is worth over $2 billion that does prove if you want something bad enough you'll get it. I'm far from the best, but I do take atleast 2 hours out my day to focus on tinting if it's a car to practice on, YouTube videos, or here on TD I do something. At first I wanted to wait to start charging people but after I found out what customers look for and they felt like they have what they wanted I figured what the hell I might as well jump in. I do tell people I just started and I'll only take new cars not something earlier than 1997. They usually work with me. All I can do is keep practicing and finding creative ways to draw people in.

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