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Posts posted by DynamicATL

  1. 4 minutes ago, highplains said:

    Really? That's the first I've heard of it, may have to talk to my rep, is it going to fill the gap between CS and CR?


    They have 2 new lines coming out this year.  The first is Color Stable IR...it will essentially be CS with a jump in IR numbers.  They still plan on carrying both CS and CS-IR since so many people love the original CS.  Then they will have a separate high IR film which will bridge the gap between CS and CR.  I was told sometime in the first quarter of 2017 for both films.

  2. It is not that high, but too high IMO considering the brand name is not known, limited amount of dealers, and no history.  You could actually pay a little more and get Huper Ceramic with the brand name recognition, quality, and reputation.  3M has an IR film coming out this year that I am sure will be less than that.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Tintguy09 said:

    Thanks for the feedback guys!! I'm thinking I might do that Roach. having a car set up and tinting it would be a cool way to kind of showcase what it is we do. that's what I was thinking! $250 for a whole day at an import event with thousands of people seems like a small price to pay to even just get word out and pass around my number. especially if I'm the only tint shop that is gonna be there. I couldn't believe the event coordinator said id be the only tint shop there. seems like a great venue to be at to me. thanks for all the feedback about facebook Dynamic. I actually do the exact same thing. I Boost posts to friends of people who have already liked my page and I do $7 a day everyday for my page to get likes. It seems that boosting pictures of high end cars I do gets WAY more feedback.


    Only difference is I do not boost to people who like the page and friends.  I boost to the same audience I selected which is the whole state.  I get much more feedback from new people that way.

  4. 13 hours ago, Tintguy09 said:

    Hmmmm....I was really hoping someone had a good experience with it. its supposed to be over 10,000 people at this event so I figured if anything it would just be worth the money to get the name of my business out there. It only costs $250 to be a vendor for the day which isn't much at all. I don't know.......Now I'm on the fence about it. I tell ya what, I started paying for Facebook Advertisements and either Its bullshit or I'm just not doing something right. Aside from the occasional Like on my business page, I'm not seeing very much feedback from it. Any advice Dynamic? I know you run a lot of facebook ads......do you customize your audience or just run ads in certain general areas? I've spent WELL over $200 on facebook ads and haven't received one damn phone call. Went to a local car meet and handed out fliers and scheduled 5 Jobs that night. Any suggestions?


    $250 is not bad for that amount of audience.


    As far as Facebook, I run two types of ads.  The first one is promoting the page itself, which sounds like what you are doing.  I only spend $2 per day doing this which increase our Likes along with getting some interaction.  The mainly spend money on promoting specific posts which gets a lot more interaction.  So you post something up promoting a specific car you tinted, highlight a specific film, you just a post about your services...then you Boost just that.  Below is an example of that in action.  I also promote to our whole state even though parts of it is 4 plus hours away.  I would atleast go out 50 miles because you will be surprised how many people are willing to drive for a quality job.  This is where you will get the most bang for your buck.  However I spend most of my money with Google since that is where majority of people search.



  5. We have done it all from small local meets to big events.  The smaller meets a good because they are usually free...so even if you get 1-2 customers out of it, it could be worth it.  Keep in mind though, a good portion of the people that goes to these shows are there because it is free...so usually no big spenders there.  The bigger shows can be expensive and usually do not have a return on investment.  You have to calculate how many new customers you need to attract to pay you back the investment so you could actually turn a profit.  If that number is unlikely, then usually not worth it.  We no longer do them because I would rather invest that money in online advertising that reaches a much broader customer base and brings me more customers.

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