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AS-1 Line Expert Needed

Guest WDMEsquire

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Guest fredstinting
I need an expert witness to testify at a hearing regarding the AS-1 line. The ideal candidate would be familiar with the AS-1 line, the laws regarding the AS-1 line, both state and federal. He or she would be able to testify regarding:

What is an AS-1 line?

How is the AS-1 line determined?

When was the AS-1 line first used?

Where is the mark that indicates the AS-1 located?

This is a compensated position, however, transportation, travel, food and lodging, etc., would be at the expert's expense.

Please contact me if you are interested in this opportunity.

W. Dale Miller


The AS number stands for American Standard, and is "AS" (or "American Standard") followed by a number indicating the position in which the glass may be used, based on its optical quality. AS1 is the clearest glass (at least 70% light transmission), is laminated, and can be used anywhere in a motor vehicle (typically just the windshield), AS2 is tempered with at least 70% light transmissions, and can be used anywhere except the windshield, and AS3 can be used in certain locations in certain vehicles (and can be laminated or tempered, and has less than 70% light transmission). There are higher numbers used for other purposes, but are not normally encountered in cars. This number must be near the manufacturer's name/logo, preferably below it (per Z26.1996).


it is also the were the strip of the window film must stop to be legal in some states like florida

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So, tell us, what was the weight and type of drug they found during the stop??? Betting it was pretty substantial to be fighting it this hard. No reason to fight this for a $100 fine................... :lol

Also, you put in your first post you would cover transportation, now you arent??? What happened, did the PoPo sieze all assets too??? :lol2

Edited by Customtinting
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Guest teamfutaba
as1 line vary from car to car , FL law is as1 or 6" .....

slayer, where have you ever seen a law in fl that says 6". always just AS-1. that means nothing below the AS-1.

from my understanding the AS-1 is determined using a measurment between the seat and the rake of the windshield. some AS-1 line's are 3" from the top of the windshield and some are lower. if a windshield has NO AS-1 then any aftermarket strip is illegal as there is no line to determine what is legal.

for the cop to know which car, say a maxima or similiar that has a bigger factory strip from a miata or porsche which has a smaller factory strip he/she would have to have background automotive design and engineering, and in this case a keen eye with 20/20 vision.

a case i was asked to work on involved a stop for dark tinted windows and lots of c*caine. the state used a marked car to stop a known bad guy and used the dark tint as the reason for the stop. i was one of 3 who met at the government impound to measure the vlt of the front doors on the suv. it metered at 15%, the defense had no argument for the reason for the stop.

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Guest filmslayer

you know Ray , i'm not sure ... for 20 years i just assumed it was , don't even remember who originally told me ...

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Guest teamfutaba
I had a cop tell me one time that if the windsheild had no AS-1 mark it couldn't be any lower then a dollar bill. Thats how backwoods the law is in TN. :lol

thats funny..

cops often come into my shop for copies of the statute. we have a copy right on the film display.

slayer, i heard all kinds as well. thats why we posted the film laws for all 50 states right on the film display. being in sofla we get lots of transient's.

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I would guess to go find some of the specific model car on car lots where they have the factory tint in the golass and measure how dar it down it is.

Also, check with a glass shop or 2 and tell them you would like to see a factory winshield with the tint and measure how far down the factory tint extends down.

Best I can guess to get an answer.

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Guest WDMEsquire

The hearing is set for the afternoon of April 1, 2011. Please contact me if you are interested in being an expert witness.

Thanks for all of your comments.


W. Dale Miller

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