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You contractors are getting screwed.

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Enough should be enough!

For those of you who are new car dealer installers, be aware how much you guys are being crucified by them calling the shots on what was once a good part of the industry.

It was brought to my attention last Friday that a friend of mine has lost a particular new car franchise to Motor1.

The worst part of the round table conversations between installer, dealer principal and his gunk girl was the young 23 year old bird knowing film material costs and therefore trying to justify why the installer mate of mine charges so much for fitting. :wtf

She wants him to just fit for peanuts and they will buy the film from M1. :bitchslap

Consequently he declined the unofficial contract because dealers are making it unviable for contractors to make any real money.

If it were me I would have told them to shove the deal where the sun don't shine but my point is that all of us should walk away from this new direction car dealers are taking the induustry to.

Thank god I've have big enough kahoonas to tell them to ef off but I know a lot of installers haven't got the guts.to do so....we should revolt.

My mate retorted with a brilliant reply and that was "how much does your car actually cost you from the manufacturer." No reply of course.

If someone had of said to me years ago this is where the game is going, I would never had believed it.

You can thank M1 for that IMHO.

My advice for those contractors.........leave them to their own devices.


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thats a sh!t situation, i only do retail work so don't have to deal with dealerships, but i keep getting customers telling me the dealer quoted them 5 green notes or up to 9 green notes for tint then 1 customer thats a repeat customer of mine said they would get the tint sorted themselves they were told all kinds of rubbish by the sales chic saying that the film that the tint shop (me) uses is inferior and won't last and only tint from them will be worth poutting on the vehicle they laughed at her and said ok then c ya.

but same deal she was a young chick early 20's that has done a sales course at college and lies and lies and thinks she knows best.

in your mates case, she would be commended for saving the dealership money and she would in turn get a bonus, personally id say ive been here pumping out the cars for you to rip your customers off now your stabbing me in the back , so you buy your own film and you stick it on if its worth the money your suggesting then anyone can do it !

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i'm guessin it was Richard dev... we've been lucky so far with my dealers... i charge what i charge and they pay me the "little guy" instead of the soulless monkey bandits at M1 because i actually give them good service, I love it when m1 junkie's try to poach my work and get kicked out the front door when they spout the " our competitors film and quality is substandard, " speach..... my opinion. P@ss off M1 go back to africa and take T a car with ya

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My parents bought a car years ago in Queensland and the young girl at the dealership just would not give up. The car they were buying already had their tint on it, clearly indicated by the stickers under the film. She insisted that they HAD to get it retinted and it HAD to be with their product as EVERYTHING else was inferior. My father eventually told her "my son is a very experienced window tinter and should we want it retinted, he'll be doing it and for no cost" to which she replied "he wouldn't be as good as our tinters and whatever product he uses would not be as good as ours".

Want to know the hilarious part of it all? The particular aftermarket company was contracting out their tint installs at that time to.... you guessed it... the company I WORKED FOR so I knew FULL WELL what they were paying for each vehicle, what product they were using and who their installers were!!! Stuck up, no-nothing, bitches!! hahahaha Besides that, if their product truly was superior to all others (trust me, it WASN'T!!!) why on earth did it need retinting when the car was only 3 years old?!?

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Good feedback from all and it quickly shows the mistruths preached by the gunk girls in order to line their own pockets financially.

TTB it wasn't Rich but another friend.

I suppose my real idea on this topic was to confirm the situation with car dealers getting into our bed and screwing poor subbies into an almost impossible situation to exist.

I'm glad they can't do me over.


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Although I think this situation is especially rife in metro areas where the price paid to contractors simply isnt worth getting out of bed for, M1 seems to have their dirty little fingers in a lot of dealers in the country areas too. I think these days dealerships prefer to have "in house" installers where they have maximum control over all the aspects, fact is M1 is so huge now they leave very little for the average small scale guy. I know contractors who work for M1 and they need to do 8-10 cars a day to make it worth while, I have seen the sort of quality that this results in, its not pretty.

Its also true that the M1 girls (we used to call them "ming molls") are brainwashed religious cult style into believing their own hype about M1's products.

I feel lucky to have ended up in a country area where my dealerships are more interested in supporting local businesses and look for quality and service above the usual lowest common denominator for dealerships, $$$.

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I got offered that account dev. I put it in the too hard basket straight away. Unfotunately it's tough when you start you buisiness from scratch and i've had te rely on subcontracting and referals from good people like you dev. Right now i'm at tipping point. I'm making the same from retail than from my dealer. Yeaa probably enough to pay myself a wage. I have desitions to make i think.

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It is my belief that car dealers should never have gotten wind of how much our film costs and therefore how much we potentially net gross.

This would have been unimaginable in the past.

So let me tell you about an invoice I saw on a seat from Mercedes Benz to one of their dealers for a C180 sedan about the year 1986.

The dealer was going to make 8K way back then.

And another with a slightly different tack..... a mate was the OE manager for Phillips car audio and they supplied Ford a trick unit for the LTD in the 80's.

It was sold to Ford for $200 and they sold it in spare parts for $2200....fair dinkum.

So for those doing dealer work and when they ask for the dissection, fire one back and ask what their costs are and see how they like it.

Ask the Ming mole what her salary is too whilst you are at it.....I believe it can be around a 100K for a good conner.


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I know of one dealership that has a markup on tinting (completed at "trade price") of... wait for it...... 1620%!!!!!!! You read that correctly. Admittedly, this is a high-end dealership and I dare say that should the product they are having installed fail (I know it genuinely carries a manufacturer's lifetime warranty.... a subject for another day), that they would actually honour it and replace it but COME ON!!! That is just LUDICROUS and what is more ludicrous is that customers actually fall for it and pay it!!

This has got to stop somehow... I am just not sure how.

I love your way of firing it back to them, Dev! Will use that one along with my others next time I am faced with it.

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