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When is enough?

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The hassle of flat glass agreeing on a shade and then the wait for payment via transfer sometimes I think stick to cars get payed quote over the phone

There is definitely a different set of mental tools needed for FG. But once you figure it out, you will simply scratch your head and wonder why you ever climbed into a car.

You know what mate, even on jobs like this,

I do love it. Completely different and I'm starting to think the same.

I'll always do cars, I'm an auto tinter at heart and love putting out a schmick job on any car. I do look at it after and get that fuzzy feeling,

But where I see real opportunity and growth is in commercial flat glass.

Just gonna take time I guess.

I do find people are less willing to share their secrets in commercial work though :lol

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I started out as a flat lass guy. The shop I started at needed a guy to run the commercial/residential dept. So I learned to install flat glass. Then after every job I would get to the shop and jump on a car. If I didn't have any flat glass to tint I would be on cars all day. I'm glad I started out this way because a lot of my tinter friends really cringe at installing flat glass. To me-I could never understand this attitude. I love being able to travel around, meet and talk with different people-some older people with some really amazing life stories. The whole time being asked if I needed a cold soda or if I wanted them to make me a sandwich. Having them watch me and say how cool it was to see the film being applied. Not to mention in the time I can tint an entire house, they would have tinted 6-8 cars-and I've made nearly 3-5x what they did-all in the comfort of a nice house and cold a/c....

*but to the topic-sometimes too much isn't enough. You have to know when to cut ties and realize all your time and effort won't make certain people happy, especially some contractors or architects. I never burn a bridge, but I limit my time with specific people because I know all the extra time I may spend is wasted.

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