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What's up with the water down version of this new Tint-Tac gallon I just got, anyone else?  1oz sure won't cut it, not even 2oz, more like 3-4 per gallon.

Well... if my spray bottles sit more than a day or two without mixing fresh, the slip is not as good so this may be the case with the concentrate.


Slowed or low sales and excess stock fall prey to shelf life.

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Tint-Tac is from Flexfilm, but other people was reporting the same recently from Tint Slime...so maybe Tint-Tac is just rebottled.   :dunno


Yeah, it feels heavily watered down.

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That's concerning ... I was just about to order a couple more gallons... Hopefully Ralph will be along soon


Not sure if he gets on here much anymore, he is no longer a vendor...assuming since his sub-forums are now gone. 




Did not know that... wow...  

sort 4ozs per gallon is the mix now I need to mix Tint-Tac with this new watered down version.   I am sure somebody ran the numbers and said, this is how much we can save a year by changing the mix. 

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The viscosity is affected by the temperature. It also requires more slip solution to lower surface tension as the temperature increases. It is likely that someone who tints in a climate controlled environment will not notice any difference. If you do not have a climate controlled environment, you will notice a change in viscosity and a change in ratio mixture to achieve the same results. This is simply explained by science.

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The viscosity is affected by the temperature. It also requires more slip solution to lower surface tension as the temperature increases. It is likely that someone who tints in a climate controlled environment will not notice any difference. If you do not have a climate controlled environment, you will notice a change in viscosity and a change in ratio mixture to achieve the same results. This is simply explained by science.

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