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Are y'all ready to hear about my horrible day.

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Ok so remember that Fiesta I was supposed to tint like 2 weeks ago that was one of my appointments today. She got mad because she claimed she couldn't find the place. She said all I see is the huge storage buildings I then told her that's where I'm located. She said she was about to pull in. At this time I was cutting the patterns the glass on the maxima. So after like 5 mins I'm walking outside trying to find her. I must ad I had my car parked outside with the office door open and I was the only person at the buildings at the time. So she gets all mad curses at me and say she gone tell everyone not to go to me and so on. Idk if it was because I worked the graveyard shift last night or that lil incident I could not tint that maxima at all. I had to sit down calm down and start over and when I started to get my grove I noticed his windows were very loose like they will come out the seal. So I said maybe it's just not my day so I called the owner he came and got the car thank god he understood me and asked when I'm free again. Bad day

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That does sound crappy.  Whenever I get frustrated with a job it never helps to keep trying. I take a break and do something else if I can, or just walk away for 15 min and try to refocus. :thumb2



As for that woman - sounds like a nut. Not your fault she couldn't find you. :krazy

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I think if she was that grumpy you didn't want to do her car anyway, let someone else deal with the headache.


On a side note this should make you feel better lol. I was doing some PPF on a Viper when I first learned how to do PPF and I ripped a piece of paint the size of a football off the roof.


There's good days and bad days just go home have a beer or ten and start over tomorrow :thumb

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Like what's so bad about it is that the guy had asked for a few of my business cards and said if you do good I can give your cards to my network. Idk what he meant by network but it sounded big time to me haha

Be ready for this often "give me a deal, I own 5 cars" "hook me up I'll send everyone to you" "if you do a good job I'll tell my friends"

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Yea I feel you man it was one of my biggest fears to have a customer come get there car back. My cuts was off I forgot to razor blade the windows so I had to start over I was just not in the right place then when I seen the window messed up I was like I'm not meant to tint this car

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