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A bicyclist was unlucky, & tinter was lucky

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Meet a gentleman yesterday on a 2 hour ferry ride (across Lake Michigan) yesterday. Just small talk to pass the time looking at nothing but water. He told me that he was a retired art professor that liked to be active before he was run over by a truck. At the time he didn't go into detail about the accident. He said that he can't ski, kayak, or ride his bike like he used to before the accident. And that he's gained about 80 lbs too. I'm thinking that this man got "jacked up".

Then he asks what I do for a living, I told him I'm a partly retired window tinter. That I sold my business and relocated to Michigan, but still do a little work at several shops in my area. He started asking me about the legalities of tint in different states along with tinting the windshield. I told him as far as I know windshields are not permitted in any state.

He then goes into detail about his accident. He said he was on his bike coming out of a marina, when a pick up truck was coming at him. He said he tried to get out of the way, and stopped. He said he was trying to make eye contact with the driver, but couldn't see the driver at all. That the windshield must have been tinted (this happened @ 4:00 pm).  He wound up completely under the truck.

He tried to take care of all the insurance stuff himself, but had to get an attorney to navigate all the red tape. He said he only wound up with about $20,000.

I asked him if the attorney knew about the tinted windshield? He said it never dawned on him to mention it. I replied that the owner of the truck, and tinter got lucky, that it sounds like the tinted windshield could have played a part in the accident.

I wonder how many cases there are that don't get noticed that some shop puts illegal tint on a car, such as 5% on front windows, and darker tint on the windshields.

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I've wondered that too. If no one thinks to check or ask, it wouldn't be brought up as a possible factor. 


Just rolling the dice having the windshield tinted dark. Esp. when there are films that are have a high vlt and still are able to block a good deal of heat. 



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