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Tint Dipping?

Guest Matt99

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Guest thetintshop

it would cost a fortune if there was an aftermarket way to do it. can you imagine the cost of the equipment it would take for us to be able to do that? if you look at the sticker on a new car, look at where they list the "privacy glass", it's usually $200-$400. (sometimes less, sometimes more) for us to do something like this aftermarket, it would cost the customer $1000 just to do a 4 door car.

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That is how my fater inlaw started in the 60's was with flow on. It is just as OLFA said. Doesn't last long and on a clear day looking out of the car flow on makes the day look cloudy. I don't think anyone even does flow on anymore.

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Guest TinterRich
:) I used to take some curved rear windows to a guy near me to flow them...:) "dipping" "flowing" "liquid tint" "spray tint" all phrases of the past, we also "flowed" the inside of tailights with the stuff and it actually worked well.
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Guest greeneyes

Who cares about UV protection?  I just want a product that is permanent, wont scratch peel, bubble or anything else....EVER.  And that product does not exist.... ANYWHERE.  Film, no matter how much is spent on it, is all crap.  There is permanent window tint from the factory on every windshield that NEVER fades or changes.  Why can't someone develop something like that.  Eye glass places have a product that tints glass and plastic lenses for  sunglasses why you wait.  Why can't that process be done for car windows?

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Car windshields can and will fade!  Paint fades, everything will fade in the sun. 


Good window film will last longer than most cars today.  


As for eyeglasses,  Smartie can probably answer much better but I bet what they use wouldn't stand up to the weathering and abusethat auto windows endure.  I know the transition tinting won't stand up to prolonged sun exposure.

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