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Solamatrix press release

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well whatever they are doing, its great I can tell you from first hand experience that there film looks great the optical clarity is the best ive seen and they have improved the adhesive seems to stick faster.

I agree, and the few dealings Ive had with Capt Bill have been nothing but professional and courteous. In my opinion he is working extremely hard to turn the ship around and doing a good job of it. You little gossipers need to go read your national enquirer, thats all true in there too :dunno


I know from first hand that these people that spread rumors and outright lies are nothing less than character assassins and usually have a pretty transparent motive. :lol2

Not assasinating anyone's character. I just repeated what I had been told.

You guys are all too quick to trust manufactures. NOT me I got too much riding on it.

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You guys are all too quick to trust manufactures.

that couldn't be farther from the truth. :dunno but capt bill is one of the few here who actually shows up to address issues and answer questions. many manufacturers don't have the balls to do thatt. they're probably scared they'd get raked over the coals. like what you're trying to do to bill. :twocents

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You guys are all too quick to trust manufactures.

that couldn't be farther from the truth. :lol but capt bill is one of the few here who actually shows up to address issues and answer questions. many manufacturers don't have the balls to do thatt. they're probably scared they'd get raked over the coals. like what you're trying to do to bill. :lol

:dunno but I like where he said:


You guys are all too quick to trust manufactures. NOT me I got too much riding on it.

like nobody else here has anything riding on it. :nono:lol2

and in "just repeating" what you are told...do you check to see if what you are told has any truth to it...or are you just a parrot? :thumb:twocents

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Guest stpetetinter
well whatever they are doing, its great I can tell you from first hand experience that there film looks great the optical clarity is the best ive seen and they have improved the adhesive seems to stick faster.

I agree, and the few dealings Ive had with Capt Bill have been nothing but professional and courteous. In my opinion he is working extremely hard to turn the ship around and doing a good job of it. You little gossipers need to go read your national enquirer, thats all true in there too :dunno


I know from first hand that these people that spread rumors and outright lies are nothing less than character assassins and usually have a pretty transparent motive. :stop

1st post was a dead giveaway. :beer

You guys can believe what you want. Of course I have reasons. I've yet to see it be refuted by anyone with real knowledge of the company.

If Bill knows more than 99% of you, than thats pretty sad. Not everything is what it looks like.

Its laughable to see you guys applauding his posts on here. How many years did he post on here pretending to be something he wasn't before he finally confessed to working for the manufacturer? For those of us in the know, we laughed about it for years?

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Guest vclimber
well whatever they are doing, its great I can tell you from first hand experience that there film looks great the optical clarity is the best ive seen and they have improved the adhesive seems to stick faster.

I agree, and the few dealings Ive had with Capt Bill have been nothing but professional and courteous. In my opinion he is working extremely hard to turn the ship around and doing a good job of it. You little gossipers need to go read your national enquirer, thats all true in there too :dunno


I know from first hand that these people that spread rumors and outright lies are nothing less than character assassins and usually have a pretty transparent motive. :stop

1st post was a dead giveaway. :beer

You guys can believe what you want. Of course I have reasons. I've yet to see it be refuted by anyone with real knowledge of the company.

If Bill knows more than 99% of you, than thats pretty sad. Not everything is what it looks like.

Its laughable to see you guys applauding his posts on here. How many years did he post on here pretending to be something he wasn't before he finally confessed to working for the manufacturer? For those of us in the know, we laughed about it for years?

So post the evidence already. How can something be refuted unless it is established? If it is public knowledge, then point the way...

Sure not everything is what it looks like, but you show up from out of nowhere and post something controversial with no proof and we are supposed to take your word? That in itself could be considered laughable as well.

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You guys can believe what you want. Of course I have reasons. I've yet to see it be refuted by anyone with real knowledge of the company.

If Bill knows more than 99% of you, than thats pretty sad. Not everything is what it looks like.

Its laughable to see you guys applauding his posts on here. How many years did he post on here pretending to be something he wasn't before he finally confessed to working for the manufacturer? For those of us in the know, we laughed about it for years?

So who are you? You say he has been on here for years pretending to be something he wasn't. You registered on Nov. 20th. of this year. The day after this thread was started. :stop I am sure that is PURELY coincidence right? :dunno And you know what has been going on here for years?? Interesting. You say not everything is what it looks like...I think I know what this looks like :dunno

At least Zeus was smart enough to have had another account set up a while ago. :beer

So like V said, enough with the accusations....show us all of your proof!

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Look, You guys all need to chill a bit. Especially all you guys who are "in the tank" for the Captain. Geesh get a room!

Here is are the FACTS: And by the way -Facts will appear in Bold print from here on.

Solamatrix has alot to live down in the purchase of the SunGard brand. But let's face it, they asked for it. FTI RUINED the SunGard Brand in the US with a gooey adhesive and a poly that turned clear within 12 to 24 months. I got burned when they had a distributorship here in the midwest and I promised myself that I would never buy their film again. I did way too many r/r for some dealers we serviced here to ever want to try their film again.

FastForward to 2008. A new owner with what appears to be DEEP pockets has bought a crapped out product line/name. As far as auto film goes they have a few things to prove to me - check that - to all of us except maybe you "newbies". Just because they "Say" they have things "fixed" doesn't mean they have no matter how professional Capt. Bill comes off.

I have nothing against Capt Bill. He seems to be a great guy who is stuck with the unenviable task of convincing all us old timers that the same old SunGard is NOT being repackaged and resold by a new owner with out of date equipment.

There is alot of "smack" floating around in our industry and on this forum. That is something that has gone one since I started up in 1986 and doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I have been guilty myself of repeating rumors. If I have damaged anyone here I sincerely apologize.

But true or not, they do underscore the truth of the Latin saying - "Caviat Emtor" or "Buyer Beware". Too many times over the years (22 and counting) I have seen companies make some pretty phenomenal claims about their manufacturing process or their "new" films only to get suckered in to buying and installing the films they push and end up sorry I was soooo gullable when the come backs start showing up 3 years later.

For all I know the "NEW" Sungard could be the greatest thing since canned beer or sliced bread. I for one hope it is.

But don't you think, with sooooo much to live down, and the almost impossible task of regaining dealer confidence in their product line that they would be more flexible on pricing? Afterall any company that would make good on the old SunGard warranty would surely be able to discount the film a little. The prices I was quoted for their color stable film was almost exactly what I can buy Llumar for - and we all know they are high. And they won't budge (the SunGard Distributor not Llumar - although they won't budge on price either.)

If I was as confident as Bill is in his product, knowing all the "crap" that came with the purchase of the SunGard name, I would be doing whatever it took to be more aggressively competitive than anyone else. If that means I discount the film a little so what? Once I had the dealer base locked up with loyalty, then- and only then would I make a modest increase in the price of the film until it was closer to what the top film lines are charging. That way over time, trust is restored to people who have been burned and can't believe the flimsy "take my word for it" reasoning. Again had SunGard/FTI not burned so many bridges, this new ownership thing wouldn't be such a BIG deal necessarily.

In an age where everyone puts their own "spin" on press releases and news events, trust has become a rare commodity. One that must be nurtured along slowly and carefully.

I may try SunGard myself again in the future once I am convinced they have earned my trust as well as everyone else's (realistically- I know not everyone will ever be on the same page). I mean no ill will to Solamatrix or the Captain. I wish them well and again apologize for any perceived hostility toward them.

I hope what I was told about the EPA fine was wrong and I want to believe Bill. We all need a company that is TRUELY looking out for all of us.

I will say this, the person who told me about the EPA fine is someone I have come to know well over the years. He could just be repeating words like a :lol2 parrot. But I have my doubts :hmmm . I only posted it to let others know what I had been told. Lookin' out for all of us here - not just ME. That is one of the most valuable funtions of this forum, to PROTECT US the TINT DUDES( uh and DUDETTES)!! I apologize if anything was taken to mean that the Captain is a liar :beer , or Solamatrix were the "new evil Empire" :dunno:thumb

Since someone has to be the "guinnea pigs," you guys - especially you "newbies" go on ahead. This old timer will take a wait and see attitude. I'll catch up later if SunGard/Solamatrix steps up. Bill you know how to get a hold of me.


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Look, You guys all need to chill a bit. Especially all you guys who are "in the tank" for the Captain. Geesh get a room!

Here is are the FACTS: And by the way -Facts will appear in Bold print from here on.

Solamatrix has alot to live down in the purchase of the SunGard brand. But let's face it, they asked for it. FTI RUINED the SunGard Brand in the US with a gooey adhesive and a poly that turned clear within 12 to 24 months. I got burned when they had a distributorship here in the midwest and I promised myself that I would never buy their film again. I did way too many r/r for some dealers we serviced here to ever want to try their film again.

FastForward to 2008. A new owner with what appears to be DEEP pockets has bought a crapped out product line/name. As far as auto film goes they have a few things to prove to me - check that - to all of us except maybe you "newbies". Just because they "Say" they have things "fixed" doesn't mean they have no matter how professional Capt. Bill comes off.

I have nothing against Capt Bill. He seems to be a great guy who is stuck with the unenviable task of convincing all us old timers that the same old SunGard is NOT being repackaged and resold by a new owner with out of date equipment.

There is alot of "smack" floating around in our industry and on this forum. That is something that has gone one since I started up in 1986 and doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I have been guilty myself of repeating rumors. If I have damaged anyone here I sincerely apologize.

But true or not, they do underscore the truth of the Latin saying - "Caviat Emtor" or "Buyer Beware". Too many times over the years (22 and counting) I have seen companies make some pretty phenomenal claims about their manufacturing process or their "new" films only to get suckered in to buying and installing the films they push and end up sorry I was soooo gullable when the come backs start showing up 3 years later.

For all I know the "NEW" Sungard could be the greatest thing since canned beer or sliced bread. I for one hope it is.

But don't you think, with sooooo much to live down, and the almost impossible task of regaining dealer confidence in their product line that they would be more flexible on pricing? Afterall any company that would make good on the old SunGard warranty would surely be able to discount the film a little. The prices I was quoted for their color stable film was almost exactly what I can buy Llumar for - and we all know they are high. And they won't budge (the SunGard Distributor not Llumar - although they won't budge on price either.)

If I was as confident as Bill is in his product, knowing all the "crap" that came with the purchase of the SunGard name, I would be doing whatever it took to be more aggressively competitive than anyone else. If that means I discount the film a little so what? Once I had the dealer base locked up with loyalty, then- and only then would I make a modest increase in the price of the film until it was closer to what the top film lines are charging. That way over time, trust is restored to people who have been burned and can't believe the flimsy "take my word for it" reasoning. Again had SunGard/FTI not burned so many bridges, this new ownership thing wouldn't be such a BIG deal necessarily.

In an age where everyone puts their own "spin" on press releases and news events, trust has become a rare commodity. One that must be nurtured along slowly and carefully.

I may try SunGard myself again in the future once I am convinced they have earned my trust as well as everyone else's (realistically- I know not everyone will ever be on the same page). I mean no ill will to Solamatrix or the Captain. I wish them well and again apologize for any perceived hostility toward them.

I hope what I was told about the EPA fine was wrong and I want to believe Bill. We all need a company that is TRUELY looking out for all of us.

I will say this, the person who told me about the EPA fine is someone I have come to know well over the years. He could just be repeating words like a :lol2 parrot. But I have my doubts :hmmm . I only posted it to let others know what I had been told. Lookin' out for all of us here - not just ME. That is one of the most valuable funtions of this forum, to PROTECT US the TINT DUDES( uh and DUDETTES)!! I apologize if anything was taken to mean that the Captain is a liar :beer , or Solamatrix were the "new evil Empire" :dunno:thumb

Since someone has to be the "guinnea pigs," you guys - especially you "newbies" go on ahead. This old timer will take a wait and see attitude. I'll catch up later if SunGard/Solamatrix steps up. Bill you know how to get a hold of me.


Right on dude.

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Look, You guys all need to chill a bit. Especially all you guys who are "in the tank" for the Captain. Geesh get a room!

Here is are the FACTS: And by the way -Facts will appear in Bold print from here on.

Solamatrix has alot to live down in the purchase of the SunGard brand. But let's face it, they asked for it. FTI RUINED the SunGard Brand in the US with a gooey adhesive and a poly that turned clear within 12 to 24 months. I got burned when they had a distributorship here in the midwest and I promised myself that I would never buy their film again. I did way too many r/r for some dealers we serviced here to ever want to try their film again.

FastForward to 2008. A new owner with what appears to be DEEP pockets has bought a crapped out product line/name. As far as auto film goes they have a few things to prove to me - check that - to all of us except maybe you "newbies". Just because they "Say" they have things "fixed" doesn't mean they have no matter how professional Capt. Bill comes off.

I have nothing against Capt Bill. He seems to be a great guy who is stuck with the unenviable task of convincing all us old timers that the same old SunGard is NOT being repackaged and resold by a new owner with out of date equipment.

There is alot of "smack" floating around in our industry and on this forum. That is something that has gone one since I started up in 1986 and doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I have been guilty myself of repeating rumors. If I have damaged anyone here I sincerely apologize.

But true or not, they do underscore the truth of the Latin saying - "Caviat Emtor" or "Buyer Beware". Too many times over the years (22 and counting) I have seen companies make some pretty phenomenal claims about their manufacturing process or their "new" films only to get suckered in to buying and installing the films they push and end up sorry I was soooo gullable when the come backs start showing up 3 years later.

For all I know the "NEW" Sungard could be the greatest thing since canned beer or sliced bread. I for one hope it is.

But don't you think, with sooooo much to live down, and the almost impossible task of regaining dealer confidence in their product line that they would be more flexible on pricing? Afterall any company that would make good on the old SunGard warranty would surely be able to discount the film a little. The prices I was quoted for their color stable film was almost exactly what I can buy Llumar for - and we all know they are high. And they won't budge (the SunGard Distributor not Llumar - although they won't budge on price either.)

If I was as confident as Bill is in his product, knowing all the "crap" that came with the purchase of the SunGard name, I would be doing whatever it took to be more aggressively competitive than anyone else. If that means I discount the film a little so what? Once I had the dealer base locked up with loyalty, then- and only then would I make a modest increase in the price of the film until it was closer to what the top film lines are charging. That way over time, trust is restored to people who have been burned and can't believe the flimsy "take my word for it" reasoning. Again had SunGard/FTI not burned so many bridges, this new ownership thing wouldn't be such a BIG deal necessarily.

In an age where everyone puts their own "spin" on press releases and news events, trust has become a rare commodity. One that must be nurtured along slowly and carefully.

I may try SunGard myself again in the future once I am convinced they have earned my trust as well as everyone else's (realistically- I know not everyone will ever be on the same page). I mean no ill will to Solamatrix or the Captain. I wish them well and again apologize for any perceived hostility toward them.

I hope what I was told about the EPA fine was wrong and I want to believe Bill. We all need a company that is TRUELY looking out for all of us.

I will say this, the person who told me about the EPA fine is someone I have come to know well over the years. He could just be repeating words like a :beer parrot. But I have my doubts :hmmm . I only posted it to let others know what I had been told. Lookin' out for all of us here - not just ME. That is one of the most valuable funtions of this forum, to PROTECT US the TINT DUDES( uh and DUDETTES)!! I apologize if anything was taken to mean that the Captain is a liar :lol2 , or Solamatrix were the "new evil Empire" :thumb:lol2

Since someone has to be the "guinnea pigs," you guys - especially you "newbies" go on ahead. This old timer will take a wait and see attitude. I'll catch up later if SunGard/Solamatrix steps up. Bill you know how to get a hold of me.


Look, You guys all need to chill a bit. Especially all you guys who are "in the tank" for the Captain. Geesh get a room!

Here is are the FACTS: And by the way -Facts will appear in Bold print from here on.

Solamatrix has alot to live down in the purchase of the SunGard brand. But let's face it, they asked for it. FTI RUINED the SunGard Brand in the US with a gooey adhesive and a poly that turned clear within 12 to 24 months. I got burned when they had a distributorship here in the midwest and I promised myself that I would never buy their film again. I did way too many r/r for some dealers we serviced here to ever want to try their film again.

FastForward to 2008. A new owner with what appears to be DEEP pockets has bought a crapped out product line/name. As far as auto film goes they have a few things to prove to me - check that - to all of us except maybe you "newbies". Just because they "Say" they have things "fixed" doesn't mean they have no matter how professional Capt. Bill comes off.

I have nothing against Capt Bill. He seems to be a great guy who is stuck with the unenviable task of convincing all us old timers that the same old SunGard is NOT being repackaged and resold by a new owner with out of date equipment.

There is alot of "smack" floating around in our industry and on this forum. That is something that has gone one since I started up in 1986 and doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. I have been guilty myself of repeating rumors. If I have damaged anyone here I sincerely apologize.

But true or not, they do underscore the truth of the Latin saying - "Caviat Emtor" or "Buyer Beware". Too many times over the years (22 and counting) I have seen companies make some pretty phenomenal claims about their manufacturing process or their "new" films only to get suckered in to buying and installing the films they push and end up sorry I was soooo gullable when the come backs start showing up 3 years later.

For all I know the "NEW" Sungard could be the greatest thing since canned beer or sliced bread. I for one hope it is.

But don't you think, with sooooo much to live down, and the almost impossible task of regaining dealer confidence in their product line that they would be more flexible on pricing? Afterall any company that would make good on the old SunGard warranty would surely be able to discount the film a little. The prices I was quoted for their color stable film was almost exactly what I can buy Llumar for - and we all know they are high. And they won't budge (the SunGard Distributor not Llumar - although they won't budge on price either.)

If I was as confident as Bill is in his product, knowing all the "crap" that came with the purchase of the SunGard name, I would be doing whatever it took to be more aggressively competitive than anyone else. If that means I discount the film a little so what? Once I had the dealer base locked up with loyalty, then- and only then would I make a modest increase in the price of the film until it was closer to what the top film lines are charging. That way over time, trust is restored to people who have been burned and can't believe the flimsy "take my word for it" reasoning. Again had SunGard/FTI not burned so many bridges, this new ownership thing wouldn't be such a BIG deal necessarily.

In an age where everyone puts their own "spin" on press releases and news events, trust has become a rare commodity. One that must be nurtured along slowly and carefully.

I may try SunGard myself again in the future once I am convinced they have earned my trust as well as everyone else's (realistically- I know not everyone will ever be on the same page). I mean no ill will to Solamatrix or the Captain. I wish them well and again apologize for any perceived hostility toward them.

I hope what I was told about the EPA fine was wrong and I want to believe Bill. We all need a company that is TRUELY looking out for all of us.

I will say this, the person who told me about the EPA fine is someone I have come to know well over the years. He could just be repeating words like a :beer parrot. But I have my doubts :hmmm . I only posted it to let others know what I had been told. Lookin' out for all of us here - not just ME. That is one of the most valuable funtions of this forum, to PROTECT US the TINT DUDES( uh and DUDETTES)!! I apologize if anything was taken to mean that the Captain is a liar :hmmm , or Solamatrix were the "new evil Empire" :beer:shoot2

Since someone has to be the "guinnea pigs," you guys - especially you "newbies" go on ahead. This old timer will take a wait and see attitude. I'll catch up later if SunGard/Solamatrix steps up. Bill you know how to get a hold of me.


Right on dude. They screwed me over several years ago and the capt played a part in it along with tom adams with their Diamond program. Gave me a year exclusive in my area and 5 months later set up my competition with the diamond program now they are out of business so I guess I owe them. ALSO my rep at the time, mike smith sent a letter to all law enforcement in the state complaining about lack of enforcement of !llegal apps with a offer to help with enforcement. I don’t condone darker than legal papas but manufactures should mind their own business.

Bill gets paid to come on here sooooooo.

I heard the same thing you did but it could be BS even if my info also came from a man that should know. I still eat their warranty work and it leaves me with a bad taste for the product. I wouldn’t use it if they gave it to me. The EPA fine who knows but screwing me I'm positive about. I don’t have time for DMC I’m just exercising my right for free speech on a public forum that I admire and respect just like you. I thought about keeping this to myself considering the feedback you got but decided to speak out. Bill you know how to find me too.


Have you 2 wetintcars or Flatrockstan either one tried to or have talked to Capt Bill personally? Both say you know how to get ahold of me in your statements. I see no facts in either statements just a he said/she said rant. If both of you are so bold as to make these type of statements then you ought to be man enough to pick up the phone yourselves and call him. Both being old timers I would have thought that you would be trying to help the industry continue to move forward and cut this petty crap out :dunno

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