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Here's a good question!!!!

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Went to give a quote on a small residential job and the guy has 4 sliders and windows with shelves built at the bottom of his windows with tomatoe plants growing! I gave him all the imformation about what film does and the benefits it provides and he wants to get it done if it doesn't hurt the growth of his tomatoe plants! :beer He asked me if it would block the sun enough to stint there growth and i couldn't answer him honestly so i told him i would ask on line and see if anyone knew! Stopped me in my tracks knowing the guy wouldn't get it done if it hurt his tomatoes! :lol

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This is what Llumar has to say on the subject:

LLumar Facts: Plant Growth & Window Films

Fact #1

According to landscape horticulturist Dr. Robert E. Moon of the Agricultural Extension Service, Texas A & M University, the lack of ultraviolet rays does not in any way affect the natural growth of either desert or tropical plants. The only light rays that plants require for natural growth are far reds, red, and blues; and these colors are not part of the ultraviolet color spectrum.

Fact #2

Most tropical plants require less light and heat than they now receive. Proper LLumar® film will provide adequate light, while reflecting sufficient heat, allowing your customer's plants to grow naturally, without drying or burning leaves.

Fact #3

Variegated plants, or light green plants, require more light than plants that are darker green. (Dark green plants have more chlorophyll and so can take better advantage of available light for photosynthesis.)

Fact #4

If your customer's first concern is amount of heat gain and heat loss, combined with concern for plant life, choose R-35 with a 29% light transmission instead of R-20 with only 18%. N1050 will allow 50% of visible light transmission through 1/4" glass. So, if your customer has plants in a single area or in different areas, select the proper film for special needs.

Fact #5

R-15B, R-15G, and R-15G0 aren't recommended for plant growth. R-30B and R-30G will not harm plants; however, because of reduced light transmissions, natural plant growth will be slowed. Some plants may go into a state of shock for a few days, adjusting to the new light. If, after a week, plants are still in shock (leaves wilting or losing color), we strongly recommend they be placed in another room where they will receive more light. Otherwise, consider using a plant bulb.

Hope that helps.

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