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Questions and observations after 1st PPF job

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Excellent logic to start at the tow hook.

The bubbles in pro are odd, almost like XPEL ultimate. The higher the alcohol concentration in your tack solution the more pronounced they will be, and the quicker they cure. As Tint Yoda mentioned, don't worry about the finer bubbles. It's the start of the curing process.

Last week, we did a whole hood on a black car, in a shop that may have been upwards of 90-95 degrees at the time. Lots of slip solution used, but the curing process played out right before our eyes as we heated and wiped it down. It is a lot faster cure time than prior 3M incarnations, and by the time we got packed up and the bill signed, there were few/almost no bubbles left.

Is there a way of not even having those "bubbles" appear after installation(using xpel on dark full hood)?  They do fortunately disappear after a day, but I would prefer to spot other potential imperfections right after installation without those "bubbles" hindering my inspection.  Nano fusion does not have that problem right after installation.  



If you are referring to the moisture pockets that form shortly after installation, then yes, those can be minimized with firm pressure and squeegee technique.  The clearcoat we use on Ultimate film is not very porous, so it can take longer for that moisture to evaporate.  On the plus side, that is also what keeps stains and chemicals from penetrating the  film!

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