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Diablo's Tint

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Everything posted by Diablo's Tint

  1. That's a beautiful shop!! Post some interior and shop pics too please.
  2. The social sites are rewarding native content and hurting non native content. What is native content? A Facebook live video is native, posting a link to your cool YouTube video on Facebook is non native content. It makes sense, they want to keep people on the app, if you post something that takes them away, your organic reach will be shortened.
  3. @davebheam I'm looking forward to it.. I'll take a ton of pictures and a few videos and share my experience here with you guys.
  4. Who's going to MTE next month? I will be attending, for the first time.
  5. also think about how many competing shops are carrying each film. If there are 3 shops using xpel and none using suntek, Suntek may be the better option and vice versa.
  6. WOW!! That sucks. Happy you got all stitched up.
  7. I'd recommend Stan's tint school if you haven't committed to rightlook, If you've already signed up for rightlook, let us know how your experience went. @TintDude was trying to reply, not report, sorry.
  8. Ok, I'll play devils advocate, Everyone is assuming the shop did and said what was said based on one side of the story. No pics, no real info. Just empty threats and pictures that nobody can see. What harm could possible happen by posting the pictures?
  9. Ha ha, I just ordered one to try. We'll see how it goes.
  10. Was this the only shop in your area? What made you choose to go to that shop?
  11. post the pictures that you took before & post the pictures of the scratch.
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