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Everything posted by civicrice

  1. these are the vehicles that separate the pros from the noobs. even as a pro these are challenging. i like to cut out a slither and nylon brush the seal. after that i steam blast it with a steamer. then i lay a thin layer of elmers glue. like captain spod said only wet the film and reverse roll it on.
  2. he might have scuffed some of the hard coat layer off.... not repairable.
  3. just wanted to hear anyone's experience with this. I installed some bronze 20 from solar graphics on a lexus sedan about 4 weeks ago. The customer wasn't happy with how dark it was. it wasn't anywhere near a 20 but has a nice reflective appearance similar to the old school lexus SUV's. He brought it back last friday and to my surprise one side still had alot of moisture pockets. I want to put a 20 percent over it but hesitant because it isn't all the way cured yet.
  4. global has exceptional clarity, bulletproof scratch coat, color is a nice charcoal not overly green or blue, and the film doesn't turn purple even after 10 years in the california sun. easy to shrink and does't have curling issues during installation. the price is unbeatable for what you get. what else can 1 ask for?
  5. global ceramics look like normal films. they just a slight sheen to them nothing crazy
  6. something others here haven't mentioned. Considering the age of your truck you might be looking at hard water stains caused by acid rain and oxidation of the glass. I have had 3 customers comeback this year thinking it was the tint and I had to prove them wrong all 3 times by removing the tint and having them take a close look. They look like zebra stripes when the light hits it at the right angle. The tint magnifies the stains but they are actually on the outside of the glass.
  7. its clean and mean when the installer takes that slither out. bumpling the film on anything increases the chances for sucking in debris and making for bad quality. Like I said before this process can be botched by a beginner. Good thing is this is the only cutting of rubber seals that tinters do so for your next car you can ask them not to cut it.
  8. definitely keep practicing. Do the cars of your entire family tree and the work will speak for itself. overtime you will build a solid clientele.
  9. you came in for a tint job and was shook that your seals be cut up. I get it. we as tinters do that to avoid a slither of a light gap that would be noticeably present if it wasn't for this technique. Not going to lie some noobs can butcher them sometimes. as for the 3m logos i can bet anything that if you went back and asked for them on the windows that don't have they will gladly do that for you.
  10. I always tell people tinting is a woman's job..... I'm getting overpaid.
  11. seen a vid on youtube where the guy explains that its a residue that is left on the defrosters for the chargers/challengers. he had a dawn ultra/ water solution and let them soak while he shrunk it. then he did a regular scrub and the film layd down good.
  12. don't sweat it its just tint. at the end of the day service goes a long way. anything from lumar, xpel, 3m and global should meet your needs. they are all good films that will last for years! but to answer your original question xpel and global might be made by the same manufacturer but are NOT THE SAME FILM.
  13. +1 on the HP been on one of my cars for 7 years now no bubbling or fading. still looking limo black. i don't think it has great clarity like say the global qdp but would use for the long term. great film.
  14. https://www.riotglass.com/portfolio/armorplast-125ms/
  15. my old boss who had been tinting for 35 years would always tell tales of his prime tinting days. he was still an animal and by no means anywhere near average even at 52 years old. but he would always say he would whip out a four door in just over an hour. He would do 6 to 8 a day. I have tried and tried and the closest i have gotten is an hour and 45 minutes on a late model malibu. Thats from the minute it goes in the bay up to ready to ship out status. In the pursuit of cutting time I have found that i cant really move any faster but have adjusted my technique to become more efficient. i'm burned out after 3 full cars in 1 day i cant imagine doing more than that for an entire, week, month, Years! this stuff requires alot of focus and a stamina that i think can only be acquired through actually putting yourself through the grind and doing way more cars a day than your comfortable with until it becomes normal. does anyone here know any 1 that has that kind of movement and swag? is it an attainable goal?
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