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I love when small business complains about paying too much taxes. Most small business do alot of cash jobs and dont declare all there income . Try being an employee making $60K + and tax being taken out by employer that when you feel the pain of taxes.

You will get a refund when you file...I wont. I'll admit to doing cash deals, but thats only when doing automotive...my bread and butter is fg and most people pay with a credit card. If they so chose to pay cash for a fg job...I would still report it. Ive been an employee, and I always set my deductions so I keep more money, so when I file, I break even. Don't owe or recieve. Try feeling my pain when I write a check for $2000-$4000 to the IRS.

I wouldn't say MOST small businesses do cash deals. I bet all of our distributors are considered small business and I bet they report it when you pay cash for your order.

Most who have never owned a biz will never really realize the what owners go through.

Its the " he's in buisness , got money" attitude.

Besides tax , insurance , marketing , etc.... there is ALWAYS ADDITONAL cost's.

For Example in my state many small Beach Towns require an additional "permit" just to conduct buisness in thier specific town , on top of every other state regulated policy or "tax" just to be in biz.

So about 6 shore towns "TAX" me to work thier. If thier "permit/permits stickers " are not stuck to my truck when I work in town I get fined.

6 towns within a 20 miles charge me $100 - $150 a year...just to work on a residential or commercial propertys in which they already recieve taxes from the owner.

When filing taxes I have to pay the "self employed" tax . And as far as getting money back from gov :beer I cant remeber when was the last time I got a refund.

Both my wife and I are self employed , she owns a Salon , same thing , but even more "permits and regulations " Tax & tax.

Its not all fun and games.... :rollin

You can always go back to working for someone else if its to much to handle! :nope Whats better in your opinion? :spit

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Guest General Sun Shield
I love when small business complains about paying too much taxes. Most small business do alot of cash jobs and dont declare all there income . Try being an employee making $60K + and tax being taken out by employer that when you feel the pain of taxes.

You will get a refund when you file...I wont. I'll admit to doing cash deals, but thats only when doing automotive...my bread and butter is fg and most people pay with a credit card. If they so chose to pay cash for a fg job...I would still report it. Ive been an employee, and I always set my deductions so I keep more money, so when I file, I break even. Don't owe or recieve. Try feeling my pain when I write a check for $2000-$4000 to the IRS.

I wouldn't say MOST small businesses do cash deals. I bet all of our distributors are considered small business and I bet they report it when you pay cash for your order.

Most who have never owned a biz will never really realize the what owners go through.

Its the " he's in buisness , got money" attitude.

Besides tax , insurance , marketing , etc.... there is ALWAYS ADDITONAL cost's.

For Example in my state many small Beach Towns require an additional "permit" just to conduct buisness in thier specific town , on top of every other state regulated policy or "tax" just to be in biz.

So about 6 shore towns "TAX" me to work thier. If thier "permit/permits stickers " are not stuck to my truck when I work in town I get fined.

6 towns within a 20 miles charge me $100 - $150 a year...just to work on a residential or commercial propertys in which they already recieve taxes from the owner.

When filing taxes I have to pay the "self employed" tax . And as far as getting money back from gov :nope I cant remeber when was the last time I got a refund.

Both my wife and I are self employed , she owns a Salon , same thing , but even more "permits and regulations " Tax & tax.

Its not all fun and games.... :rollin

You can always go back to working for someone else if its to much to handle! :spit Whats better in your opinion? :beer

I hear ya....but...No Thanks..... I was just stating that owners have there hands full also..I dont think I could work for anyone at this point :lol Better to be in biz for yourselffor sure..

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he was not my choice for president but he one fair and square and will have my support now for he is the new commander and chief lets hope and pray he can do something to change our economy or at least send some hope to the people holding back from spending

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not being from the USDA I only know whats told by media of obama , I just hope he can get on the path of fixing the global economy , after all president of united states is essentially president of the free world.

its funny though how all of us allied countries have had change in leadership in the past what 12 months ? our former prime minister was good friends with former president bush , and if memory prevails the UK got rid of blair and now have anew prime minister and new zealand changed hands too I tihnk , because all political propaganda was to pull troops from iraq and afghanastahn firstly which got a hell of a lot of votes then second was especially in our case and the USA , obama and kevin rudd are the peoples party in both cases , they are there for our workers.

although our new prime minister , mr rudd has said he is there for the workers yet I havent seen any of his policies go into play as of yet, all I cans ee is him travelling all over the world I tihnk he has been out of australia 20 something times in the past4-5 months of his reign in power.

I guess we are all in for some surprises in coming years but even though I dont agree with who we have running out countries I guess we just have to sit back and hold on for the ride , who knows they might do a world of good or in our case might put our country into billions of dollars debt lol.

ps. I dont know why australians were having inaugeration parties and why some australians flew to the USA to see obama in person for the inaugeration , I understand world leaders, former US citizens and high end businessmen maybe but seriously id spend the time and money better elsewhere.

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President Obama talked a lot about fixing the economy, economy this, economy that. And the first thing he does as President is close GTMO?? What an idiot! People are concerned about the economy, not whether or not enemies of the US deserve a trail, or can be held w/o a trial (which they should be). Well, people do care, but that is not #1 on everyones mind. This is just a start of things to come I fear. I dont think Obama really knows what to do about the economy, which is why his first decision was way off track.

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Guest Thetintcenter
I can't stop wondering about food for the hungry, blankets for the homeless or a new coat for a child. $150 million could have brought real hope and change for a lot hopeless folks.

A few less bombs dropped in Iraq could have paid for every homeless person in the US to have a home and given healthcare to everyone also. Oh yeah how much did the China Plates cost when the Bush's left? :thumb

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Guest Thetintcenter
President Obama talked a lot about fixing the economy, economy this, economy that. And the first thing he does as President is close GTMO?? What an idiot! People are concerned about the economy, not whether or not enemies of the US deserve a trail, or can be held w/o a trial (which they should be). Well, people do care, but that is not #1 on everyones mind. This is just a start of things to come I fear. I dont think Obama really knows what to do about the economy, which is why his first decision was way off track.

I wonder how much it costs to keep GTMO open?

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I can't stop wondering about food for the hungry, blankets for the homeless or a new coat for a child. $150 million could have brought real hope and change for a lot hopeless folks.

A few less bombs dropped in Iraq could have paid for every homeless person in the US to have a home and given healthcare to everyone also. Oh yeah how much did the China Plates cost when the Bush's left? :gasp

President Obama talked a lot about fixing the economy, economy this, economy that. And the first thing he does as President is close GTMO?? What an idiot! People are concerned about the economy, not whether or not enemies of the US deserve a trail, or can be held w/o a trial (which they should be). Well, people do care, but that is not #1 on everyones mind. This is just a start of things to come I fear. I dont think Obama really knows what to do about the economy, which is why his first decision was way off track.

I wonder how much it costs to keep GTMO open?

I don't even know where to begin here. I can say is that this sort of back and forth is not only worthless for a concept of any positive change but also is completely necessary to and expected by the current system of the whole of government to keep things exactly as they are.

It is utterly recdiculous - and not to mention completely futile - for one to engage in an arguement about something like which president will waste the most money when one's political leanings appear so evidently and immediately threaded into the debate.

Stop taking a side before you fight your fight. I'll be the first to say that seperating yourself from an established and agreed upon political ideoligy is not easy to do, but taking a step back, looking at the whole picture and objectively considering the events in the heart might really make a difference. :thumb

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