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Deja Vu - All over again!

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Rewind, last year ('08) around April I lost a very good high volume dealership account because SolarGard set them up with a plotter to tint "in-house". That nearly ruined me because of the amount of volume we were doing with that one store.

Fast Forward to September 2009 - I had a rough winter and barely got through. Then Spring, retail work, and "Cash for Clunkers" came along. I also picked up another high volume import dealership (though not quite as high volume as the one I lost they do a substantial amount to be an anchor store). I was just starting to get back on my feet and feeling like we would be okay when...

Again, the service manager decides to go "in house" with "Digitint/Digicut/DigiCrap/DigiRipoff/DigiStickitToTheLocalTintGuyWhoBreaksHisNeckToDoGoodWork" company and is going to start using their program of precut/preshrunk kits and in the meantime cutting me out altogether "in time" (or so I was told).

Again, I was apologized to for the decision having been made, told we were the "best tinters we have ever seen" and "your work is impeccable" and "this is just a dollars issue while the dealership looks for more ways to make more money". Blah Blah Blah - Been there, bought and sold the T-shirt. :beer

This sucks big time. Do we just make tinting look so easy that they think anyone can do it, or what? I don't get it. :lol

Once again I get to look forward to struggling through a very bleak winter, while another rookie hack gets trained to install tint, at a store I worked my butt off all summer trying to gain their trust and confidence - only to lose it!

This makes 2 dealerships in a little over a year, and 3 in 5 years!! I'm so sick of this :poop ! :gasp Believe it or not I am getting better at handling this type of thing despite how it sounds.

Why do Dealerships insist on stepping over dollars to pick up dimes? :40 We make them a lot of money and all they have to do is pick up the phone.

Someone shoot me please! :mad:lol

Thanks for letting me vent. Sorry for the length of the post.

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As a new BMW 335 owner told me over the phone yesterday. Quote: his dealer installed tint job was not even 50% tolerable to look at. I should have done my research first:. :lol ....This was the third time this week same deal different model.Simply means more retail R/R's for some tinters. Talk about Deja Vu.

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That does suck, but remember this. 90% of the time "digi" dealerships always come to the conclusion that the system/tinter/buy-in sucks. Which it does. Check in with them every week, and look at the quality of work being done. And make sure You point out ALL the flaws. There will be many, trust Me. :lol

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Guest teamfutaba

how much will they save by going in house. where did they find the installer. are your prices in line with the market in your area. stealerships always want things discounted. with this economy some times its better to cut back than to loose it all together. I tell my guys loosing 10 bucks is better than no bucks at all.

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That does suck, but remember this. 90% of the time "digi" dealerships always come to the conclusion that the system/tinter/buy-in sucks. Which it does. Check in with them every week, and look at the quality of work being done. And make sure You point out ALL the flaws. There will be many, trust Me. :lol

I agree pop in once every two weeks and see how they like it and how is the new guy? You know the new guy will either get impatient and quit or he will ask you for advice and then the reply is "I don't work here"

Sorry to here the dealerships sh!t on you AGAIN

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