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Darker than legal, yep, that old chestnut.

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Not sure if there is something in the water around here but I have been having way more than usual requests for illegal tinting on cars. I even said to one guy last week that while I was doing an illegal job on his car that he might like to go score me some heroin. Of course he couldn't make the connection. Then a geezer today asked if I wouldn't do darker than legal if I could recommend somewhere that would!!

So I use the usual reasons when asked the question.

Illegal tint would make the car unroadworthy and therefore uninsurable.

Too dark to see out of at night, the reflection of the inside of your car and yourself (especially if your sporting a white shirt) onto the dark tint.

The cost of getting pulled by the cops and having to pay fines and get that chit removed.

The misconception that the darker the tint the better protection.

So what do you do to discourage and dissuade custy from getting a "dodgy" job? I know a lot of shops out there will do anything that the customer wants illegal or not. I however stick to legal tint work and hope that those who don't, ruin it for everyone with 35 all round being changed to no tint on the front doors.

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Great post JJ.

I do this.....firstly I have an "official printout of the current Vicroads or state equivalent window tinting regulations" on my counter and secondly which I think is more important is to lead by example and have only 35% installed all around on your own personal company demonstration vehicle.

These 2 items work 100% all the time and I never, ever, get any grief.

I've actually laminated the regulations with clear 4 ply security film which adds to the credibilty.

That will help. :trustme

Cheers mate.


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What's illegal about it?

Just makes the car unroadworthy and if people are happy with that, then I say go for it.

Did a Merc ML the other day.

Metered up the factory coloured rears and they came in at 22% vlt.

So it's ok for these cars yes?

Also I have been told that commercial vehicles in vic now are able to have anything they want behind the drivers glass.

Customer gets what they want at my shop.

Tint is nothing compared to what many many cars out there have fitted that make them seriously unroadworthy!

Cheap wheels which crack, tyres that blow up, low suspension packages, loud exhausts, cams, turbo's, superchargers and the list is endless.

Every single aftermarket shop wll sell you anything no questions asked.

I never hear them say something is illegal to buy or fit.

Neither do I. I just say it makes your car unroadworthy and might be uninsurable, you may get a canary?

You don't get a warranty etc etc....

Power to the people!!

Until the manny's stop making the film........

I bet every single tinter on this forum has fitted film which maybe shouldn't have been fitted at some stage in their career.

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Sorry guys, these days I'm inclined to think as GTint does.

For years, honest tinters running reputable businesses followed the letter of the law and kept everything legal only to have our federal transport minister allow the import of vehicles with factory privacy glass tinted to all rear windows which meters out to 20% VLT or darker.

If the government can't take their own laws seriously, how the hell do they expect us to.

This has already seriously impacted upon the viability of the auto tinting industry with many people now seeing no need to get their vehicle tinted and will only get worse.

Just my :twocents , but I won't bash GTint for his position either.

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Customer gets what they want at my shop.

Well they don't at my shop as it is me who calls the shots.

I am somewhat disappointed by the replies as it shows little or no regard for the longevity of the business.

This is not a game where you are in it for a few summers and to hell with it if I do it wrong.

Consider this.........if our Vicroads comes a knocking on your business door and advises you to hang up your tools as from tomorrow on no film is to be applied anywhere to a vehicle, then how would you like your bank manager foreclosing on your mortgage with no income to support it?

It wouldn't worry me me one iota but I bet the majority of you tinters couldn't survive it.

This is why we have to vehemently protect our most tenuous career as it is never a given nor ever will be.

Many years experience in tinting moves me to believe it is all about attitude and devils are famous for it. :trustme


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They are no doubt seeing the trend overseas with rears done in privacy glass but at this stage, they are only making extra profit in upmarketing their top of the range vehicles with everything included.

Not just a glass additive.

But to not stray too far from the original topic....it's we tinters who have to be responsible in order to still be able to film cars for tomorrow.

I am at a loss to see how Joe Public tells some of you how to run your own business.

Not only have they got you screwed on film choices but I bet cost as well. :nuts


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