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Anybody heard of Cool Window Films?

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Get a call today from one of their reps asking if he could visit. After asking a few questions of my own İ quickly established he was some new player trying to sell me a 30" roll for eighty buks.

İ simply brushed him off and began to wonder what are we coming to?? İ mean im just not sure if i could buy a film called COOL Window Films simply due to the ultimate failure in finding a half decent name.

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Hhhmmm, I've never heard of Cool WF.. And might I say I have done my research on what is out there..

I could only think it would be V-Kool? There is ssoooo much out there, and it has been quite a shock to me over the past 2 years as to how quickly ethics and quality go out the window when a tinter can buy a film for next to nothing. There are a number of company's based in South East Asia that are buying 2nd's from US factories, then shipping them back into Aus for resale via Ebay, etc... Stating "USA made film for $xx)


Most tinters just say to themselves "Where's the backup, where's the long term vision?" And pass it off. But others see a bargain and buy in. It creates a cycle..


The cycle creates a bubble for the supplier once they get started.. They pick up customers based on price, and they DO NOT factor in the inevitable failure of the product, and the high labour replacement cost that installers will demand when the S%#T goes bad. So if the film is nasty, the cycle will be short, and it may be a small profit for the supplier before they hand in their POBox at their local post office and disappear. Others may keep pushing on until it is time to do the runner.


The suppliers that have lasted long term are solely the suppliers that are factory backed. (The factory makes their film) They have factory support, and they factor in the cost of warranty replacements. These are the suppliers that tinters that are focused on being around long term will use, and the products have been proven over many cycles. Some suppliers try and invest in the very people that use their films, some just want to sell film to anyone, and market share is the main focus.. But with market share comes a huge volume of film failures, and I can see the bubble bursting for 1 of the main suppliers here in Aus. It was lots of fun when you are just selling box after box of film, but when the bad film starts rolling into the warehouse, you know the fun is over.


The new supplier we have in the form of UltraGard has basically focused on quality only. Long term proven and tested components.. However, the person behind it has been in the industry for many, many cycles, and knows that factoring in for a bubble to burst is as important as any key strategy. Considering UG has been in the planning for 5 years, I have a feeling that it is not a fly by the night. 80 years of combined industry expertise says otherwise. Owned by an Aussie, backed by the largest private label window film distributor world wide. And there is a reason for that...


And the sales of their films will grow the independent tinting sector... Free :D

Nothing they have done has anything to do with making a quick buck, and everything to do with long term relationships, and encouraging good industry ethics and quality.

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If a film manufacturer is 100% confident in its product and serious about veryifying its performance it will have it rated through the WERS For Film program. Advice from WFAANZ is to be extremely careful when purchasing/recommending products that have not been independentally tested through WERS. For a list of these manufacturers and tables showing all results please refer to www.wfaanz.org.au/WERS.

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If a film manufacturer is 100% confident in its product and serious about veryifying its performance it will have it rated through the WERS For Film program. Advice from WFAANZ is to be extremely careful when purchasing/recommending products that have not been independentally tested through WERS. For a list of these manufacturers and tables showing all results please refer to www.wfaanz.org.au/WERS.

Good advice Ally???, but what about the NFRC ratings?

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Spot on RockyDaz. Just this year the National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC) updated its database to include NFRC-rated window film attachment systems. Listings include all approved film series/models numbers, CPD numbers, film tint and film location. Users can find the listings by completing a film attachment search. There is a definite synnergy between the two rating programs, and still we maintain that Aussie installers should first and foremost seek out films that have been independently tested for this market, which is WERS For Film.

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If a film manufacturer is 100% confident in its product and serious about veryifying its performance it will have it rated through the WERS For Film program. Advice from WFAANZ is to be extremely careful when purchasing/recommending products that have not been independentally tested through WERS. For a list of these manufacturers and tables showing all results please refer to www.wfaanz.org.au/WERS.

I have seen some figures of some films that are WER tested and also by WER approved installers that were pretty impressive in fact blew my suppliers TSER out of the water by 12% for a silver 20, unsure what the WER test results were for it but what its advetised to reject seemed not possible for that film type

Im confident with my suppliers test figures they are realistic and not crazy and 99.5% of my customers are happy with their film choices performance

I stick with the film i know, from time to time i will try other films but i will also research them in depth to make sure theres no known problems, if its a new film company then chances are its reboxed or made from another manny for them and id be wary of its longetivity,

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