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Feedback Needed Please: Global Merchandising

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The photo of the vehicle could be better and the headline under it. Also, there are too many lines of text explainig the benefits(4-5 would be enough and i would eliminate "Unchanging Beauty" and add better fonts there. I also think the logo could be much better and they should ditch the plantet in it. Maybe just copy Sunteks or lulus, and change up the wording and logo.

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Good thing we all aren't hired as graphic designers!  :lol

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder"  , graphic design was my major so I'm quite sure there were several illustrations in the guys portfolio, someone liked that one best. JS

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I am sure. I do a little designing with a program we have here at the shop and no matter what I design, there is always someone to put their 2 cents in and what should be changed because of what they feel it should look like. 

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Hey guys, I appreciate the feedback that you guys have taken the time to share. Whether it was positive or negative, it is all constructive. 


The most difficult thing to do when making marketing is to make everyone happy. It really is no different than having two people look at the same piece of film and ask their opinion of the color. One could say "It is the most beautiful color I've seen." Whereas the other person might say, "I don't like that color at all." So which one is right???  Answer......They both are.


Your suggestions have all been reviewed and we are looking to implement some minor modifications to enhance the banners.


Thank you very much for taking the time to share your suggestions!!!!

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Hey guys, I appreciate the feedback that you guys have taken the time to share. Whether it was positive or negative, it is all constructive. 


The most difficult thing to do when making marketing is to make everyone happy. It really is no different than having two people look at the same piece of film and ask their opinion of the color. One could say "It is the most beautiful color I've seen." Whereas the other person might say, "I don't like that color at all." So which one is right???  Answer......They both are.


Your suggestions have all been reviewed and we are looking to implement some minor modifications to enhance the banners.


Thank you very much for taking the time to share your suggestions!!!!

Two people can look at a piece of art and come up with totally opposing interpretations , graphics fall into that category, Hope you can please em all  :thumb

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I just don't understand how a window film called "global window films" is not available globally...

Hey AW...

I can only describe it as follows...

A very good fellow named Grant was the Global Window Films agent for Aussie land up to the end of last year.

He had a good factory and was maning the phones and was taking orders for certain customers that knew how good the films are and were prepared to wait for goods to be shipped.


With the introduction of much cheaper films and the constant advance of online sellers that would come and go, Grant's business had become such that it was running at a loss. The thought that offering a higher quality product to a small clientel was simply an execrise that would prove to be unstastainable in a market that demands cheaper, cheaper, cheaper.


So.. Global window films proved to be a brand that was unable to create a foothold in the Aussie market considering how small of a market we are.


Here is a reality check...

Price matters to 90% of our market when it comes to distribution of window films.

So... That means in short that franchises, dealerships, buying groups, etc.. will look for a buying power discount. It simply means that when you are talking about a more expensive, quality focused product such as Global, which contains the best polyesters and components available on the world market, then that particular brand is taken out of the bulk of the market place.


It would be best suited to smaller, more quality focused installers that want a boutique brand and a product that will not just talk the talk, but walk the walk. A product that has consistancy and longevity at the core of it's very manufacturing process. Bang for buck...


Please allow me to state a fact right here and now...

There is far and away better margins/profit/money in installing window film, then there is in supplying it on a trade level.

So when you have a situation where a supplier is investing every single cent into the 10% of the market that would be best classed as small time or low volume, then I would highly suggest you take a good look at why and how they are investing in what would seem a lost cause.


For us/myself, it is a belief that we have the drive, motivation and passion to take te small guys and turn them into big guys.

A suppier that at it's very core is your partner from start to finish. And via a network has the capacity to create the avenues needed for a succesful business. And as it turns out... To create friends for life.



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