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Everything posted by TintDude

  1. It depends a lot on what kind of flat you are talking about. Is it mostly residential or big commercial jobs? Are you the one selling the work/giving estimates etc as well? Are you with anybody as a helper or the guy in charge?
  2. You could use the factory straight edge for the visor strip, but it will sag on the sides. There are a couple of techniques to get the cut to match the line of the top. The film will need to be heat shrunk to conform to the compound curve of the window. You might do well to watch a couple of YT videos to see if this is something you really want to attempt. Since you aren't worried about flaws etc, I'd say give it a try.
  3. No problem at all. We do have a good classifieds section here. Probably wouldn't hurt to put some feelers out.
  4. I'll tell you though, it felt dang good the day I quit. It was a little scary, but another shop picked me up right away.
  5. I know what you mean. I felt it was in my own best interest to do the best I could at that shop, but like your situation it just wasn't sustainable.
  6. From what you say about the owner, I would start trying to find another job as soon as possible. I've had a similar situation. The boss was always gone and a hard drug user. Once he stopped caring about even paying for film I was out of there and the best move I could have made. If the boss was there and gave a damn, then I'd say stay and work it out.
  7. It may be worth having a conversation with your employer about your workload, pay and about potential additional support or compensation for your added responsibilities. Regarding fair pay, it can vary depending on the location, cost of living, and other factors. I've always worked on commission and there are times when you work uncompensated, but the higher pay for the tint work tends to make up for it. Hopefully you can talk to the boss and get something more fair going, If not, it might be good to look for a different job or maybe start your own business if you feel ready.
  8. I've seen worse but that could have definitely been done better.
  9. I'd let the shop know it has peanuts, they may be able to work them down or offer a redo. How did you know that's what we call them?
  10. I like visor strips myself, I'd go 5% film down to the AS1 mark, usually about 5 inches from the top. As far as the rest of the car, I'd keep it the legal limit or lighter, but that's just me. Reasons to keep your tint job within legal limits.
  11. There are many different brands of window film available on the market, and the best choice for you will depend on your specific needs and preferences. It may also be helpful to consult with a local professional installer.
  12. Found this article disparaging most of the stuff we do. To be fair the article suggests getting aftermarket stuff from other than the dealer, but some of the stuff they make sound shady. Don’t Get Suckered Into Paying for These 20 Useless Things at Car Dealerships WTF is so shady about dent removal? Ouch
  13. That amazes me every time. I'd make it worse for sure.
  14. Man, I get 100 emails a day from SEO "experts". Shady stuff to deal with I suppose.
  15. Dude that would be cool, I would buy one or two.
  16. The trade is more difficult than it seems, so don't put the cart before the horse.
  17. This is a good read: https://www.tintdude.com/forums/topic/34640-reasons-to-keep-it-legal/ The legal consequences for being caught installing illegally vary from state to state and even city to city. I personally know a shop owner that was fined 50k in So Cal. There could also be liability issues. For example, you tint a car beyond legal limits and that car gets into an accident and the cause could be attributed to the dark tint, the victims could go after you as well for damages. Also the insurance companies can deny any claim based on illegally modified vehicles. Another consequence is the the laws get worse or tint outright banned in some locals because of the abuse. Aside from all of these reasons is your conscience. You have to be able to live with yourself knowing you are causing safety issues just to make a buck.
  18. Still curious how you got the film. You can't just call up and order a roll of 3M if you aren't a dealer.
  19. Couple of questions. How did you get a roll of 3M film? Is it the 'color stable' "CS" line? If so that is a tricky film to shrink and not representative of the way most films need to be shrunk. Def not a beginners film.
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