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Feeling a tad deflated...


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Hey JJ, I can help out with a website on the cheap.. Type in your business name in Google and see what comes up :)

Offer is there mate, and I can have em built pretty quick.. Not promising anything, but it will pay for itself within a week.

Retail is steady good paying work, and once you grow a great customer base.. Nobody can take that away from you.


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Jj, watch your other dealers closely ... Do you think they only visited one dealer?

Exactly. Unfortunately one thing I've noticed and constantly get told from the wise is there is no loyalty what so ever in this industry(at least for dealerships). Just do as the boys have said let your presence be known, I mean, you gotta be good at what you do if your other accounts have knocked m1 back for that much of a discount! Down here(Sydney- where they shouldn't stay I might add ha) people get dropped for as little as $10 a car let alone $100. That's a huge discount for the dp's pocket and if the others are that happy with your work I'd hold your head up high and let them see your face and remember your work. Most am girls I meet are hopeless too so don't think you can't match them on sellers knowledge either. Unfortunately this happens and IMO as gets said their trying to get outside their comfort area before they fall. I think they'll be around for a longer time then some people think though. Maybe one way is offer the dp warranty work. Don't think they'll pay for it, but when they come back it might cross his mind and make him think? Keep your head up do what you do best and as gts said, these days there are others like you so don't feel alone!

All the best

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Guest Tint Activists


I believe you heard about Walmart suffocating the small retailers in US. Now, Amazon is breathing down Walmart's neck with their own warehouse and fleet for groceries business. Is it the end for small retailers? I would like to share with you this wonderful article that i read this week (that you might relate to)

Local Stores Still Have An Edge Over Walmart And Amazon Grocery Delivery


Ok, let's get back to tints discussion. so JJ, if you really have a small headache here, go think about the three questions that I asked you, you will win if you restructure your business and at least get the first criteria right. Remember dude, the article tells you that you are a Master Craftsman David vs the Commoditized Goliath.

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Hey TA,

You have the inside word from M1... Right? Or do they just tell you things that can hurt the small guys?

"automotive extras for 1 in 2 new vehicles sold in Australia everyday is supplied by MotorOne."

Do MotorOne offer extras in Noumea? Or "Oceania" for that matter?

JJ is doing nothing wrong in the way he runs his business, quality before quantity.

There are around 600 people in Aus that can rightfully call themselves PRO tinters, and there is enough work to go around.. If all the PRO tinters in Aus can unite. M1 is dead where they stand!

The Indepedent Tinting Network is a free network, funded by the sales via GTS of existing suppliers. Making suppliers accountable for the direct support given to small pro tinting businesses in the way of support and local leads. If we can drop the fear of needing to "undercut" to get the work, we would all be able to grow. All we need is a way to connect. And I believe that the ITN could be the answer.. Well, I hope and pray it is, because I am not sure who else will try if I fail.

TA, you came into TD with comments about M1 informing you of confidential info, then branded me a Cyber Bully without knowing me at all. I try and send you a personal message to say sorry and you ingnore it.

I want to make peace, but I really am confused as to where you stand.


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Well, I hope and pray it is, because I am not sure who else will try if I fail.

You always tell us were not alone..... We May not at the moment be able to do a big difference and hey I got nowhere near the experience you got and couldn't do half the things you do fr us, but I'm sure there are a few people who see what you do and if u put the call out would take your side immediately. I don't know the sitcho here or what's goin on but yeah mick, I wouldn't underestimate what you've already created.... It's a numbers game you told me, I'm not "afraid" of numbers and the other "pro's" as u said probably aren't either. Sure it's frustrating but I would like to as u say yourself "wait and watch what happens in the future." Maybe I'm rambling but from what I see happening in even just foresight and possibility, even if right now myself for example, could never take such responsibility on, it would be a pleasure(when I'm capable of such a feat) join you in what your doing. After all what your doing is right, and what's really "right" won't get overlooked. I'm guessing m1 are more than just "aware" of what your doing, but I wouldn't call you a "threat" to them. Although u are, what your creating us a little more than that, it's opportunity for the "little" guy. We got some fight in us mate so with all due respect to yourself that you deserve, eat your own words mate: quote gts "you are not alone" lol.

All the best buddy

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Honestly I don't know why all the big deal about doing dealer work.

They are the scum of the tinting earth so screw 'em.

If you ever think that they are going to be your saviour in the end and they will always be there for you when and if the s hits the fan, then wise up because it ain't going to happen.

Hit them on their own terms....if the M1 workmanship is not up to your standard, then let your home town know about it.

(Where are they going to get a local bod that would have your skill?)

Try a local advertising campaign that offers factory direct window tinting at slightly less than dealer retail or something of that kind.

One thing I've learnt over many moons is that dealers are not where it's happening because they would always have the wood over you and they control you and your business....not the other way around.

Dev :007

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Well said Dev...

I just think if M1 didn't have so much dealer work tide up, then we wouldn't be left fighting for what's left over...

Just need to make things a little fairer..

Also, I will never, ever, while I have a breath in my body tint another car for a dealership.. I still do a few truck places because they give me plenty of heads up.. 1 of them just started selling utes, and I have put in my notice :)

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Well said Dev...

I just think if M1 didn't have so much dealer work tide up, then we wouldn't be left fighting for what's left over...

Just need to make things a little fairer..

Also, I will never, ever, while I have a breath in my body tint another car for a dealership.. I still do a few truck places because they give me plenty of heads up.. 1 of them just started selling utes, and I have put in my notice :)


A sensible mix of wholesale and retail in your business adds stability to your bottom line.

Not to mention adding value to the worth of your business if you want to sell or refinance.

Where we often get it wrong is ,as Devil often says, we let the dealer dictate terms.

If you can come to mutually agreed upon terms, it can be a very beneficial relationship.

And besides, if we all decide to never do dealer work, we should never raise a voice against m1 that do.

Just my 2cents ....

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Hey Daz, I very true point.

Where I am located, there are 100 guys ready to jump on my work, so M1 will have no chance...

No matter how you look at it, you begin to alter your business to suite the dealers, so when they decide to drop you like a hot pie for the guys that can do it for 10 bucks cheaper, your business is left picking up the pieces.

I set very clear terms to anyone I do work for, I have a number of contracts with local councils, no matter what it says on that paper, they always push it, that is beginning to happen with this truck place that has started selling utes.. they wash the car and it's ready to go out the door, so I get 24 hours notice... When I have quite a bit on my plate already, I just say I can not do it, and they play my heart strings and I hate letting people down, so I just find myself working insane hours. So I have given them plenty of notice before summer that I am out of there, and I just said... "look up www.windowtint.com.au and you can find other local tinters that can help"

I say that many times a day :) I love it...

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