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The Legality War!!

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Not a situation that you have any control over  Reckless,if other States have differing laws to the one that  you are operating in.

Follow your own state's laws and stay legal in your own State .

If you want, provide your customer with information on other State laws  and how they may be in violation of them.

You never know, your custy might prefer to have tint applied to the stricter neighbouring State standard.

That's just it, if the customer does not provide information to this following question that I ask every customer. "What is your reason for getting the film and are you aware of the current laws regarding film on your vehicle?" When they have no idea about the laws regarding tint in California I let them know each state has their specific limitations and laws about film applications in the vehicles. I then continue to present what the law in California is. I'm not going to present the laws on neighboring states let alone the whole nation. That customer may visit Nevada one month and Mississippi another 8 months to a year down the line. It seems this question is not getting a straight forward answer as it is very specific just as the laws and "legalities" of tint is specific and can be directed and picked at all day.

Bottom line is if every state has their own tint laws and any check me with tint travels to another state then they could already be in the wrong. Is the Tinter going to say now you cannot be driving to another state with this tint because it's illegal all the way over there and possibly here and you could get us in trouble?

Don't get me wrong here, Daz I respect what you're saying fully and taking your words into consideration and thought. It's just anything regarding legality issues id like to know any minor to major details outlining the whole situation that can happen person to person given different environments. That's all.

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On the state to state law problem. I'm pretty sure you cannot be ticketed for another states law. You are supposed to follow the law where the car is registered. Alabama can't give a Georgia registered car a ticket and vice versa. If I'm not mistaken

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Before I put a waiver on the double Limo windshield jobs I first ask them if they know how to file a Third Party Claim. That way if they wreck and kill a bunch of people and get sued you're good!


What is a third-party complaint?
A Defendant can bring another party into the lawsuit by filing a Third-Party Complaint. By doing this, the Defendant in the original lawsuit becomes a Third-Party Plaintiff when he files claims against a Third-Party Defendant. The Third-Party Defendant is someone that the original Defendant – now called a Third-Party Plaintiff – claims is responsible for all or part of the original Plaintiff’s claim. A Third-Party Complaint can be filed within 14 days of when the original Defendant files his original Answer. After that 14-day deadline, the Defendant must ask the Court for permission to file the Third-Party Complaint. The Third-Party Complaint must be served on ALL current parties to the lawsuit, as well as the Third-Party Defendant.



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Before I put a waiver on the double Limo windshield jobs I first ask them if they know how to file a Third Party Claim. That way if they wreck and kill a bunch of people and get sued you're good!


What is a third-party complaint?

A Defendant can bring another party into the lawsuit by filing a Third-Party Complaint. By doing this, the Defendant in the original lawsuit becomes a Third-Party Plaintiff when he files claims against a Third-Party Defendant. The Third-Party Defendant is someone that the original Defendant – now called a Third-Party Plaintiff – claims is responsible for all or part of the original Plaintiff’s claim. A Third-Party Complaint can be filed within 14 days of when the original Defendant files his original Answer. After that 14-day deadline, the Defendant must ask the Court for permission to file the Third-Party Complaint. The Third-Party Complaint must be served on ALL current parties to the lawsuit, as well as the Third-Party Defendant.



Yea right. that`ll work for sure,,, :facepalm2

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Hey lads,

I can say with confidence that you can have customers sign whatever you want... i.e. waivers, contracts, etc...


Please remember this guys... "If you are taken to court, you will almost certainly be held liable for damages if the customer decides to hold to hold you responsible."


Having a signed waiver would likely just be used as evidence against you. Proof that you knowingly illegally modified your customers vehicle.


I would ask yourself this...

Would you install 5% on your sister or daughters car?

If the answer in no, and the reason is because you may put them in a higher risk of having an accident. Then you shouldn't install it on someone else's sister or daughters car.


I think I saw Bham say that installing dark tint is like selling a knife to someone. Well I would say it is more like selling an illegal knife to someone.


Good topic..

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Hey lads,

I can say with confidence that you can have customers sign whatever you want... i.e. waivers, contracts, etc...


Please remember this guys... "If you are taken to court, you will almost certainly be held liable for damages if the customer decides to hold to hold you responsible."


Having a signed waiver would likely just be used as evidence against you. Proof that you knowingly illegally modified your customers vehicle.


I would ask yourself this...

Would you install 5% on your sister or daughters car?

If the answer in no, and the reason is because you may put them in a higher risk of having an accident. Then you shouldn't install it on someone else's sister or daughters car.


I think I saw Bham say that installing dark tint is like selling a knife to someone. Well I would say it is more like selling an illegal knife to someone.


Good topic..

Yea What the man said,,,, Couldnt agree more

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The black and white of it is,, yes it is illegal to have the improper VLT on your vehicle according to your state's law.  


Is it illegal for me to install it :?  That's is one of  the grey area parts.  Hence the knife comment.  That comment was to show that everyone sells or installs items that can be used illegally after leaving the place of purchase.  

 The Wal-Mart defense.  Well, my shop is the local Wal-Mart of auto accessories :thumb And we install everything we sell.  We run a reputable, respectable business.  And there are all kinds of "grey" areas, like with lift kits and such.  It's tough to please everyone.   Now you can have your opinion, I have ZERO problems with that.  But if you want to complain about me installing 15% on the front 2 doors of a truck or SUV to make it look like I did the whole vehicle all the way around. That's fine also. We have a difference of opinion.  But if you have EVER done the same thing either for yourself or a customer, then we don't have much to talk about.  It's not like I am blacking out every single vehicle on the road. I don't really use that much limo tint except for front strips.  I do a lot of 15% on top of factory in the rear--- which is legal.  My law says ANY ??  ( I'll get to that in a moment) 

I have my limitations and I explain myself to every customer and yes I try to make them be reasonable. I'm not doing your windshield any darker than a 50%  and Limo on top of factory..well you better be convincing and get out the wallet.  


As far as the law goes... Officers can pull you over to check your tint, even if it is legal.  They must have a meter to give a ticket.  Is this part of the situation abused.. YES..we have a state trooper that pulls over hot women using the tint law.  The laws are so vague anyway and some cars technically break the law straight from the factory(just because they have a rear hatch door)...  Not to mention trying to get a definitive answer from anybody, judge, officer, lawyer, on just exactly how low a front strip can go... good luck with that.  Also the "green glass" problem.. every manufacturer has a different VLT on their green glass so that makes it even harder. Hence the allowed variances up or down in meter readings.  


One more thing.  Why is it okay to have a medium shade on a smaller SUV and not a bigger car??  If a customer has a car tinted in 35% or 30% and goes and buys an SUV with medium tint already on it, then why is it wrong for someone to want that same shade on a car??  And why is it wrong for me to give it to them if it its available??  

That's about all I've got for now.   Cheers everyone   :hat

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On the state to state law problem. I'm pretty sure you cannot be ticketed for another states law. You are supposed to follow the law where the car is registered. Alabama can't give a Georgia registered car a ticket and vice versa. If I'm not mistaken



Bham, I believe you are right. I too have read/ heard that somewhere.

Thank you, basically one of the things I wanted to know. If it was some sort of loop hole.

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